What's the dill, pickle?

For context about the Bentonville Film Festival, Bentonville is Walmart’s home office. The company is everywhere and everything there, very little happens without Walmart’s say so or encouragement from the Waltons. The BFF could have turned down the sponsorship, but they might not have been approved to host it in the

The Herald Mage Trilogy was the first one I read for her and was equally enlightening to my teenage, sheltered self! I think that’s why I have so much nostalgia for her work, it really opened my eyes in a good way.

That was absolutely it! We came across that book while on a camping trip when I was a teenager and it really stuck with me.

Somehow I am... not at all surprised by that insistence lol

I wasn’t, Sadburbia managed to infer the book by magic somehow despite my awful explanation, but now I am very intrigued about this series and will be checking it out for sure!

I can definitely understand that. I think about the plots for Lackey’s books a lot and there’s a bunch of nostalgia that makes me *want* to reread them, but Pierce’s are the books I actually own and therefor reread pretty often. The fact that I haven’t gotten around to owning more than a couple of Lackey’s books is

Yes, thank you!!

No, though it’s come up in my vague efforts to search for it and it sounds amazing! I’m adding it to my to-read list right now.

I cannot say enough good things about Tamora Pierce; anyone who sees her books as aimed solely at or as “just” young adult literature is really leaving themselves at a disadvantage and missing out. While I’ve loved every book I’ve read by her I think the Protector of the Small series is a great one to start with, as

I mentioned it in an above thread but we were in line to go into the theater to see TFA and some jackass ahead of me was talking with his friend and spoiled that part. We couldn’t have been more than 5-10 minutes out from the pre-movie trailers starting and he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. On one hand it’d been

I was in line to go into the theater to see TFA and someone else in line spoiled that to his buddy. I was pissed, we were literally like... five minutes from the trailers starting and he loudly spoils an emotional moment in the movie. It’d been out for a little while at that point but it was still in theaters which

Context: This story takes place in the early 90s, before mix-tapes you gave to others were A Thing (or at least before nine year Dill knew about them). It was becoming common to record songs from the radio onto a cassette tape if you had a stereo that had both features, and I was all. over. that.

It was the end of

A new ad featuring him (I think it was cologne?) popped up on something I was watching and I had a serious double take that anyone was willing to hire him / air something with him in it because of all of court/legal mess. It made me feel uncomfortable just seeing it, honestly.

I laugh out loud so much when watching those videos thanks in large part to the editing. They’re my go-to when I’m having a bad day.

In their April fools’ ASMR episode, Chris ended up tempering chocolate. It was funny and silly, and Claire made a point during her segment(s) to say that while she didn’t agree with Chris on that, he still did have a reason to suggest it, so it’s clear that there were no bad feelings between them regarding it. But it

It was so helpful to see actual examples and not just hear “don’t do it because you shouldn’t.”

They follow the same theme of “here’s exactly what happens if you overmix/undermix” and show precisely the result in this new series. I watched the first video last night and it was so great to not just hear “don’t do this because of reasons” but “don’t do this but if you do this is what it’s going to look like and

I accept the consequences of my own choices giving me a bad ending or a quest result that I didn’t necessarily intend, but I would be livid if I didn’t get a result that I’d worked toward just because they included results or choices from other players. That alone would be enough to keep me from playing, and I’m a

I’m in one of these situations right now, though thankfully not in quite as dire a spot. My lot fees are more than I think they have any right to be but I still pay less, between them and my mortgage/loan payments, than I would for most apartments in my area. The lot rent does go up a bit every year though and I know

I came in here ready for horror stories to rival the posts in October, and yet, nothing. What am I going to do with all this popcorn?