What's the dill, pickle?

The inability to fast travel is the only thing keeping me from jumping back in and finishing the game. I just got so burnt out on driving back and forth and back and forth and back and forth—

It’s like this headline was sent directly to teen me’s heart. I may have to actually go to one of these shows...

I was diagnosed with lymphodema in my legs last year and I’ve often wished there were more options for socks or shoes to accommodate. (For reference, lymphodema usually results in one limb being much larger than the other; a google image search of it in the legs will basically provide sketches of exactly what I’ve got

That burrito/taquito idea is genius, honestly!

You had me until cheese whiz.

One of my friends got me hooked on orange juice poured over vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup drizzled on top, and my mom (who will never drink milk even if held at gun point) got me hooked on eating popcorn like cereal — with cold milk poured over top, I should clarify, since a comment thread here involves

My roommate used to do this with maple syrup and honey and I just couldn’t understand WHY. We had a long conversation about it. He no longer does it.

My roommate’s family did this. Same with honey. I kept removing it and putting it in the pantry and he kept putting it back and finally we had to have a conversation about it and he came to the light of pourable syrup and honey actually being pourable and not half-solid.

This is me and cheese. I will add it and re-add it to all of the things. It is nearly (but not completely) impossible to have too much cheese no matter what anyone else in my life tells me.

Not nearly as awful as some of the submissions here but maybe worth a couple of points for repetition — I routinely, repeatedly, ate small change as a child (5-8). Pennies and dimes only, really, as anything else was too big, but I did it often. Not sure why, I don’t remember the logic behind that. I also remember

Apologies if this was mentioned; I didn’t see it but that doesn’t mean anything. If you have an Amazon Prime account you can connect it to a Twitch account and get access to a few free games each month. I’ve found some fun games or played some I might not have otherwise tried thanks to that.

And did so after a lot of this came out, which IMO is different from already being with someone and then having them display their awfulness to the world and just standing by them. I feel like most of the drama with her came before and he still married her. I am disappoint, Neil.

I used to love Neil Gaiman but my opinion of him dropped after he married her, because I dislike her so much.

Ansel Elgort, because of his face.

Maybe just something centering around the idea of kittens and puppies being so pure and helpless, so they’re something the mind latches onto as (one of) the worst thing(s) that people can hurt?

I love raccoons so much. I know they can be a menace or destructive or problematic when they get into things, but I love their seemingly endless curiosity and habit of cleaning things and how roly-poly so many of them seem to look. I’m glad your nightly visitor isn’t able to get himself into trouble with your

I am both amazed and delighted at how off I was re: scale of the furry beast. That’s amazing. Hopefully he isn’t a nuisance.


As an aside, I’ve seen letters written to a major corporation’s home office that basically amounted to exactly that when the detectors went off as they passed. It’s ridiculous to think about but some people actually do respond in exactly that way, going on and on about how humiliating an experience it was and how

I also recommend Drop for language-learning, they focus on 5 minute lessons and do a lot of repetition on words to make sure you learn them. I’ve been using it for a week so far and really like it. Seems to be Freemium.