What's the dill, pickle?

Playing Elvis, which dozens of actors have, can absolutely make a career if done well. Kurt Russell catapulted himself to the A List when he did it in the 1979 biopic (he’d previously been stuck in hokey Disney fare) , and Jonathan Rhys Meyers similarly lifted his status (and picked up a Golden Globe) when he did the

Dunno, hard to compete with this already existing (and completely accurate) biopic concerning that time in history where Elvis and JFK met...

tbf, Gita can only write about the people that respond to her for input.

But fortunately that’s what the comments sections are for. Do you have any examples of a video game moving you politically to the right that you’d like to share?

And, I mean, are you suggesting that “recognizing that Iraqis are people” and

noooo, stop. that’s the new testament. that’s the part where jesus said some relatively sane shit about not being a dickbag. christians don’t like that part, they like the old one where they get to stone women for being whores and hate crime the gays.

I don’t think she’s ever really dealt with the trauma of her abusive marriage to Coyote Shivers (he has multiple allegations against him and there’s no doubt that was definitely an abusive situation) so now she projects his abusive intentions onto anyone she has a negative interaction with. That’s how a random attack

Now playing

Violently blend. Violently blend like you’re ashamed of your face.

My vote is to keep playing it, but try to play it as ridiculously wrong as possible and see what else you learn along the way. Try to make the narrative into a comedy for this time, and then next time take it seriously using what you learned. 

You don’t see the problem. It’s not about the election.

I’m assuming “tough” means “able to tolerate my unearned arrogance and condescension without acting hurt.”

RE: Ariana....I think I once watched a thing about how they make these and they involve 3D scans of the person. Is it possible that this is closer to what she looks like without contouring make-up and while being told to hold still for the scan? The face shape is what’s throwing me off (along with the joyless

I live in Bentonville, and while I’ve for the most part gotten used to the many Waltons’ investments in the area, the incongruence of what they do for the arts and quality of life versus how they treat store employees like less than shit will never cease to amaze me. It’s a Jekyll and Hyde level of dissonance.

The sad thing is that while it is some modicum of work, it’s practically the least intensive and least expensive work one could undertake. Heck, a lot of it is free. I paid zero dollars to meet a guy at our local art museum. I spent $5 on drinks at the natural history museum’s monthly “happy hour,” and I met nice

I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or

Imagine thinking that many thousands of dollars of dangerous, invasive surgery, halfway across the globe was a better, easier idea than some marginal self-improvement in terms of hygiene and standard of living. If that doesn’t speak to some serious mental illness I truly don’t know what does.

I love early Lackey, like Arrows of the Queen and its follow ups, and the Last Herald Mage trilogy, which has a gay protagonist and was very enlightening for 15 y.o. me. I’ve reread both series over the years, and they seem to hold up, although I haven’t read them for a while.

I find Lackey’s co-writing efforts more entertaining, largely because it seems that’s the place she shows her sense of humor and characters that go outside the usual Fantasy/SF trope - like Tom “Stoner” Stone which she created for Eric Flint’s 1632 Universe, an aging hippie/Pharmacology dropout who becomes the

Oddly enough, about 10 years ago I found out that a close friend of my parents’ grew up with Lackey, and had no idea that she was as popular an author as she is. She was telling me about how they and their siblings would write and perform plays as kids, and how Mercedes would insist on playing some sort of talking

Are you thinking of Brian McClellan? He wrote the Powder Mage Trilogy (which essentially opens with a very French Revolution-esque) coup. And the soon-to-be-finished Gods of Blood and Powder trilogy.

I love Tamora Pierce, and used to be a big fan of Mercedes Lackey, but her books didn’t have as much staying power for me as Pierce’s as I got older.