What's the dill, pickle?

Unfortunately strokes ar are not that uncommon in relatively young people Luke Perry was only 52 and having hypertension like Singleton put him in the high-risk category.

Personally I wouldn’t find it unreasonable to ask a member of staff to quickly clean the bathroom floor and maybe provide something to put down. Seeing as they’ve not provided a changing table in the first place and you’re doing them a solid by not contaminating everyone’s food with floating poo particles it’s surely

This is what struck me. The numbers are all like “oh, people spent a long time watching Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, and the Office.”. You know what those shows have? A LOT of episodes. Natural breaks that keep the pace breezy. i.e., something you can leave running in the background while you do whatever. Each episode

I actually misread your first step and thought you meant a stick, that was on fire, and then you invite all your friends over for a neolithic fireside storytelling version of the shows that people are streaming.

Exactly. Ten episodes per season of hour long prestige shows is generally good, but ten episodes of half hour long lighter fare is what you call half a season, if that.

It should be law against Jude Law to be so sexy. How dare he!!!

I agree; people who served their time should be able to vote, but the whole point of imprisoning people as a punishment is that they’re stripped down to basic, fundamental rights; taking away voting seems like one of the more reasonable things to take away.

I have a house and a car payment but choose to not have health insurance to make up the cost for my student loan payment. I have also consolidated my loans and took on extra years to have a smaller monthly payment. The silver lining is that if I die before the loan is paid off, they can no longer bother me about it.

I graduated high school in 2002. One of my best friends was top of the class and very intelligent. He decided not to go to college right away because he would be paying his own way and decided not to go until he saved up and knew what he wanted to do. He got an unfair amount of grief from teachers and family because

I find this extremely frustrating. Everyone told us growing up the only option was to go to college and get the degree otherwise we would be doomed to a life of mediocrity. In fact when I didn’t go to college right away (I did two years of community college then took a break till I was 25 when I finished up) My family

It is completely bananas how much we pay for college. I went to community college for the first 2 years of undergrad in the late 90's/early aughts and thankfully that cost me less about $1,000 a semester. I could barely afford that. I had to work full time to pay tuition and rent but I lived in a relatively low cost

It might be anecdotal, but in my immediate circle, this is true almost across the board. Most of my friends are in their early to mid thirties and most of them aren’t buying a house/having a baby because their student loan debt repayment is still so high that it takes up a significant chunk of their incomes. 

A massive wipe of student debt in the U.S. would trigger a huge spending boom in housing and autos, and probably bump up birth rates as young Americans who were looking down the barrel of decades of debt would decide they could have the 2.5 kids their parents had. And all the critics are going to worry about is that

The Gentle Side of Twitch

“Hi! I see you, but I’m focused on the reading right now. I can chat during the next break!” This message popped up

I feel like installing an authorized recording device on a warship should be a pretty ruinous offense regardless of where on the ship it is. Someone needs to walk that plank.

As written, Moore is as bad as Cain. Others agree:

This isn’t about sex. They could watch porn on their computers or phones for that. This is about harassing women who have dared to enter what is considered a male space. This is intimidation and intended to humiliate and bully women. 

This is the reason I call myself a recovering Republican.  I used to look the other way on this kind of shit, even though I disagreed, because I thought this dipshit had good economic ideas and that that somehow excused this nonsense.  I’m sorry I used to think like that, and I’m saddened so many still do.

Yeah, but then again most of them are staying at the hotel before going back home. The hotel is where you wind down, enjoy the spa treatment and have a nice hearty meal. You can stay for an entire year and not eat the same meal twice.

Nah, just 20% of Manhattan. Squeezing so many people into so small of an island, along with slowly gassing them all with a mixture of hot garbage and pee, just makes a lot of people want to go on murder sprees.