What's the dill, pickle?

Trump basically accused Fox News of purposefully keeping Trump supporters from their Bernie town hall. That is the height of hypocrisy as only Trump supporters are allowed at his rallies. Fox had already announced there was a waiting list for admission before the event. Does Fox giving Sanders a fair platform mean

The economy in that city is indeed far better than it was 20+ years ago after the steel mills closed. You know what happened? They pivoted to focusing on arts, education, and community development. That was good through the early 2000s, but it was still so-so. What happened after that? The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Why isn’t disBARRed trending?

I don’t know what is funnier on the podcast, their confoundment over the dad’s sexual “knowledge”, or the gay, male cohost’s childlike fascination (read: lack of understanding) of the female body.

It, weirdly, is the same argument against automated cars. “It’s not perfect, therefore it’s trash”. Yes, but current method is also trash, yet we aren’t kicking it to the curb.

If you have a hankering for really bad British sex writing you should hunt down the comedy podcast “My Dad Wrote A Porno” (The title says it all). The podcast has finished their 4th season (and 4th dad-written erotic novella) so there’s lots to listen to on your commute to work. The trio who do the podcast actually

It’s amazing he was able to amass so much money working as a guy who sprays fine blasts of water on the plants at a local nursery.

Robert in Chicago who is craving NYC pizza — just go, dude. Screw Drew’s justification demands, and ignore your wife’s eye rolling (although maybe bring her some bagels, or pastrami from Katz’s?). Sometimes you just need to have what you need to have, and as long as the ticket won’t break the bank and you’re not

Yeah, I’d be much more wary if they told me this would fix my health/weight issues without the addition of exercise and potentially a better diet.

I don’t see it as shitting on her. Jezebel does regularly point out privilege influences peoples’ lives, and the focus was more on that. The gist being, “Getting your law degree is awesome and commendable, but don’t get defensive when people point out the help you’ve had getting through the process.”

Oh hey Wendy Williams is back.

I think I told this one fairly recently on another celebrity related post. It’s not nearly as sweet as my Reba post, but it was definitely much more bizarre and hilarious.

I can’t remember if I’ve told this one here before or not, and while I’ve had several celebrity encounters, this is my favorite.

OK, thanks for the near heart attack. I had to google because you kind of made it sound like he died.

Heath Ledger helped me carry suitcases back in 2006, when I was leaving a hotel in NYC. I had an injured arm and the hotel staff weren’t really paying attention to the less-wealthy/non-white guests like my mom, sister and I. I didnt realize it was him until I thanked him profusely, mom offered him money and he said

One time I was in a 7-11 in West Los Angeles on Santa Monica Boulevard. It’s a very odd stretch of Santa Monica because there are two 7-11s within a few hundred yards. Very L.A.

I lived in New York awhile, as one does, and had a few silly encounters with celebrities. Here are the top four, weirdness-wise:

Working at a shoe store in the late 90's, in L.A. the store was very busy. As I was helping a customer put a shoe on. I hear this voice. I know this voice. I turn and look up. It’s Ralph fucking Macchio!! I immediately turn into a 12 year old girl. My bedroom walls were plastered with his face! Tiger Beat! Teen Beat!

A few years ago, a group of friends and I were in line at our local theater in Burbank, CA waiting for Hellboy 2. This was before reserved seating in theaters was a thing, so we had arrived early and were first in line waiting outside the theater, killing time til they let us in.
One of my friends looks over to the

I can’t tell any of my best stories because they’re doxxing. Here’s one of the worst.