What's the dill, pickle?

We never actually dated but people seem to find this story hilarious, so I’ll pass it on. Middle school, grade 5, 10 years of age. I’ve had a crush on this guy for two years, ever since he came to our tiny, tiny school (class size: 15), and it’s probably obvious to literally everyone but I think I am Very Discrete and

Also, I got my second ever black eye in either the third or fourth grade from a volleyball to the face. It was more humiliating because I just watched it come at me and made no attempt to stop it. The gym teacher assured me I was fine despite my claims that I knew it was going to turn into a black eye, and sure enough

When I was 17 I worked at TJ Maxx and often got stuck manning the dressing rooms. One night we’re starting our closing routine at around 9 (actual close was at 9:30); I’m making sure the racks are sorted and ready to go out to be put back on the floor, checking empty rooms for more abandoned clothes, etc. I’ve wrapped

I’m dead, he just reached in there *bare handed* what is this world

I’m also curious why he seems to think money is a given with anyone, if it wasn’t actively discussed beforehand. Is that the only way he usually gets women to sleep with him? Is that all he’s known?

If it was everyone that would be one thing but it’s just a small handful of the actors that have varying degrees of airbrushing. It makes them stand out like Uncanny Valley versions of themselves. I can’t imagine how weird that was for her.

Natasha got hit pretty hard with the airbrushing, too, with Gamora not far behind.

I like them but Elizabeth Olson and Scarlett Johansson barely look like themselves. Someone got a little heavy handed when photoshopping things.

I don’t think I’ve ever done that much of a double-take in my life. How did that lineup even happen?

There’s even a bunch of videos on youtube of people shooting various objects with one, and the bullets going through all of them. If they’d done just a little checking elsewhere this wouldn’t have happened.

Exhibit A: Cap tearing a log in half as casually as most people would rip a piece of paper.

I used to love that cartoon. I watched it and Punky Brewster so much that mini-me used to imagine a world where Punky was his sidekick solving crimes with him. It was amazing.

I didn’t realize how much I missed the Ear Boy sketches until I saw this picture. She was great as Perot.

Everyone looks so good and healthy! This makes me ridiculously happy.

I must be in the minority but my first playthrough I was all about Blackwall. Even the drama of his storyline didn’t dissuade me from that. If anything I wish I could go back and keep playing him and my first Inquisitor because they had such a fun, interesting, intense dynamic. I have several other playthroughs I’m

You can! In fact if you don’t romance him and have both him and Dorian in your party, they’ll make a lot of allusions to being together (casually).

This is my new favorite thing, and you’re fantastic for coming up with it.

Praise be to Nuggan!

Weird story, but The Miz (pre-wrestling career) and another ex-Real World star came to my college for a big party we had at the start of the new school year. The other guy stayed in the beer garden the entire time, was kind of rude and standoffish, but The Miz was talking to everyone, having a great time, being really

I don’t know why but it baffles and annoys me that she introduces someone and then cuts to commercial. Is this a common thing? Is this weird? Or is it smoother on the actual show (which I refuse to watch)? Because right now I’m picturing some guest coming out and sitting in a chair awkwardly while staring at the live