What's the dill, pickle?

I’m going back and replaying with a new Inquisitor after finishing Trespasser, and my god they really do leave breadcrumbs. Subtle ones, but they’re everywhere. I love it.

I can get turned around in linear, limited-space dungeons. I sure as hell can’t figure out where I was intending to go in an open world without that mini map keeping me pointed in the generally correct direction.

I had to learn this the hard way, our black cat was killed on Halloween years ago. If I’d known the risk ahead of time I’d have done something to keep her safe.

I am weeping at the accuracy of this comparison.

I’m choosing to believe the typos here are indicative of Bobby’s descent into madness at the end of the episode; how much more can you take, Bobby?!:

I’ve noticed that if I refresh the page or (if it’s a ways down a comment string) click on the link to the comment itself and open in a new tab, I’m able to add a star. It’s almost like something times out if you have a Kinja page open for too long.

I apologize, I don’t know how to embed quotes or links on Kinja yet, but I love that he’s getting called on his bluster—

DeFranco speculated that in his video and pointed out that IF it’s the case, YT needs to be more transparent or make it more clear why it looks like there’s a discrepancy in how they enforce their policies. And if it’s not, then they really are in the wrong for not providing a blanket enforcement on all content. It

In my pre-teens I accidentally wandered into a big patch of it. Never got an itch. My stepdad gets within twenty feet and it’s like he’s bathed in it, it’s awful. Immunities are weird.

An entertaining one to watch is by Jesse Cox; he’s playing it with a friend and you can tell they’re having a ton of fun.

No callouts to Spore? It looks much better and more intricate, granted, but that was the first thing I thought of.

I’ve heard about that specific outrage before and it just baffled me, because shouldn’t parents be paying attention to their kids enough to keep that from happening...? Redirecting the fault for your own lax parenting isn’t the way to go. (And yes, I know kids can do stupid shit in a second flat, myself included when

I assumed it was one of those scenarios where it was scheduled for convenience rather than medically necessary. Those DO happen, and more frequently than some might realize, hence a potential joke about laziness. The people up in arms are likely defensive from outside judgement for their own C-section or are still

I was going to say that would never work if the people in the picture were noticeably brown but they could spin that to fit their narrative of too many illegals taking handouts and further their agenda for the wall in a nice, easy one-two punch.

I thought it was worded well because of the inclusion of “for the time being.” That doesn’t put any pressure/expectations on future feelings of desire, but lets her know that this one time is fine and also doesn’t change her usual state of being, however that may be. Might just have been my interpretation though.

I’ve heard this too and have kept it in mind — the stories I heard were about someone posing as cops trying to isolate people in badly lit areas/places without witnesses. But I’m not sure how legitimate it is or whether the cop pulling you over is going to be patient while you call 9-1-1 and someone eventually gets

I can’t voich for Girls Trip (haven’t seen it) but Atomic Blonde was amazing!

I don’t towel off until I’ve gotten back to my room. I have asthma that’s heavily triggered by humidity, so it’s everything I can do to even get my robe on before getting the hell out of there — I am *not* taking the time to towel off every last bit of myself before stepping out of the shower. The only time I’m not

Unobtanium was the reason I refused to see it. It hurts my head that that made it through to the finished movie. Everything else I heard about the movie’s problems only validated my avoidance.

It’s petty but I would love it if Israel stated that they refused to work with Kushner because of his implied support of neo-Nazism by not pushing back against everything that’s been going on lately. I know it won’t happen, but a girl can dream.