Fantavision was pretty fucking awesome. I really wish that would get re-released or given a sequel.
Fantavision was pretty fucking awesome. I really wish that would get re-released or given a sequel.
I’m upset about this game not developed by Microsoft which is available on Xbox One and not Xbox 360 so I’m going to protest this product which is not localized by this company that isn’t Microsoft on this console that I do not own by destroying an Xbox 360 which is not the console that the game in question is…
G.I.Joe did that too. When you saw blue lasers and red lasers getting fired at each other, don’t sweat it. No man is left behind.....because no man has died.
Ughh...I worked one summer in a Stainless Steel Lunch Truck in a Philadelphia Airport parking lot that was used by taxis and bus drivers. That was the worst fucking job ever and it didn’t help that Philly summers are super hot and sweaty and I’m basically sitting in a Oven for 12 hours shifts and my boss was my mom’s…
If that batman logo got any know....
Relax you guys, this just he announcement for Street Fighter 5, we still have to wait for the announcements for:
Well, Fred Savage doesn’t have to think about a Wonder Years reunion because without Marilyn Manson reprising his role as Paul Pfeiffer, it’ll never work.
I’m trying to process the fact that he was NINE FUCKING YEARS OLD WHEN THE MARSHALL MATHERS LP CAME OUT....without feeling like an old ass geezer.
Too late.
Sure, these kids are super slick when it comes to new games. Impress me when you can successfully play a game that has timed levels, no memory saves, no unlimited continues, no regenerating health, and no weapons with unlimited ammo.
You think Snowden is in Russia just by coincidence, man? No, man. This is some deep shit, man. You have no idea how far this goes, maaaan. The CIA, Interpol, The Burger King Kid’s Club, they’re all involved, maaaaan. But this is mainly a KGB black operation, man. Seriously. It’s a plan to keep the man occupied and…
What were these players doing in Thailand, you ask? Leicester City is partnered with the Tourism Authority of Thailand, and the trip was part of a goodwill effort on behalf of Leicester’s Thai owners.
Oh they totally saved the lives of kids by showing them they they could aspire to wear black suits with skinny red ties, and that eyeliner wasn’t just for girls.
You know, in some parts of the country, a mom taking underage kids to see barenaked ladies would be charged for corruption of a minor among other things...
Hmmm...Taylor Swift bracelets saved their lives...or....Taylor Swift’s concert was sooo full of energy that it made a girl fall asleep at the wheel on the way home....She’s both indirect Hero and Villain.
When my Wife and I were planning our wedding, my mom came up with the “great idea” of asking me if it would be cool to do a double wedding since my brother was also engaged. That was not happening. At all. She even went on to say that “since the church and the hall will be decorated anyway, and the people are already…