Yes, but even with the tax included, Dragon Quest X is still cheaper than Splatoon and Xenoblade Chronicles X, and between the 3 games, I’m sure most players will opt to buy Dragon Quest X which is by far a much better game anyway. So despite the nefarious evil plan that Nintendo unhatched, I don’t think it’s going to…
That was the mighty mutant Spiderman from Earth 9009 who had been exposed to radiated Bill Cosby and developed Jell-O legs.
Jurassic Park for the Genesis was the one to play. Getting to run around as a Velociraptor attacking and eating humans and little tiny dinos was the bee’s knees. I bet that game several dozen times as both the raptor and the little human guy. Fun as balls. Hell, I’d play it today if could....and I could but I’m not…
Awww...he’s so fuzzy, like a little Ginger Ewok. How could you possibly think he did it?
Here’s a star for you. You go and enjoy that.
I honestly couldn’t give shit what you think but clearly you give a shit what I think or else you wouldn’t be all ‘roid raged over my post which literally means NOTHING. Then again, this is the internet...
You know, you’re quite the shitbag yourself. Did I say she was unattractive? No, I didn’t . I just posted a photo and said “No.” Insinuate what you want, asshole. Flex your internet muscles a little more if makes you happy.
Seriously, the college bookstore should package Fleshlights with the textbooks for this class. There you go, have at it boys and girls.
Wow, there’s a whole lot of WTF moments in this story. I don’t even know where to begin.
Geez, that sucks. What platform are these cheaters doing this on? Is this on PC or gaming consoles? Can they actually do this on PS & XB versions of the game?
This looks like Tap Titans which I naively downloaded for Android thinking it was some sort of RPG game. Boy was I wrong. It’s a steaming pile of clicking crap. Although Tap Titans lets you level up and collect coins without actually having to play the game (seriously) but then what the hell was the point of playing…
Hey man, “AssholeGamerTag420” here. This is my steam account. What’d I ever do to you?
I’m going to go out on a limb and say....No. No, it won’t...because this is a real person wearing make up and the Warcraft movie is nearly guaranteed to go for razzle dazzle CGI special effects. Sadly, I prefer people in make up. There’s something about the movies that the Jim Henson’s Creature Shop worked on that are…