big blockbuster movie
Tell me about it. I haven’t been able to really play through the heists yet because everyone either drops out, acts like an asshat, or the lobby is full of red dots who only want to run and gun everyone in sight.
That’s a great car and it doesn’t matter how bad you destroy it or if it gets robbed or sabotaged because you can always get another one for free from the dealer.
Why would you even want it? If you play online heists you’ll eventually get access to armored cars.
Look at KITT licking his lips. You know he wants it. Some of those old GMs had flip down license plates so you could fill the tank from the back...doggystyle.
“Jalapnik”? What, are you from the south? That’s so racist.
Well, if you think about it there are alot of different ways you could fuck your car. No, seriously. You could stick your dick in the gas tank or the master cylinder, or in the windshield washing fluid container, or if you feel like fucking the radiator you could do that. I bet fucking the mass airflow sensor or the…
All the cool extra shit aside, show of hands: Who hasn’t already downloaded the HD movies from a torrents sharing site? That’s what I thought.
That’s kinda awesome but you know what? How about some equal opportunity here? I mean lets shatter the cliche of nudity being cool when its nude girls and being disturbing when its nude guys. Why aren’t there mods of anatomically correct male fighters in this game? I’m talking balls a-hangin’ and dicks a’swingin’. You…
Holy hell, would that be awesome. Quite possibly the best car chases in a film. It made me fall in love with the Audi S8 and Peugeot 406.
I’m guessing that 1 percent is when someone had to direct it into a gas station and fill the tank?
I’m so glad this crap is officially over with. I deleted it off my PS3 long ago - it was really a waste of space better suited for games. I really tried to give Home the benefit of the doubt. I really did but every time I went into it, I only really encounter tweenagers engaging in stupid conversations, trolling each…
I actually do enjoy Star Wars, but I'd enjoy it more if it had designs like this...even though some of them sort of look like a palette-swapped Master Chief.
God God, I know it's scripted and all but I'm happy to see Stephanie McMahon get her ass kicked. That whole family is annoying as hell. Well, except Linda, she seems like she just doesn't give a shit about wrestling. She could do a Hillary Clinton biopic.
Can Russia please at least exclude Copenhagen from nuclear annihilation based on the fact that that city fucking rocks? Maybe place it inside of an impenetrable force shield or maybe surround it by a bunch of giant robots that will karate chop incoming missiles? Thanks.
I don't think Spyker's comment suggested that the biker was innocent and if you read it again, you might agree. I think what he is saying, and I agree, is that a random black car slamming into your bike on the highway doesn't give you the impression that this is a cop who is trying to pull you over. Nothing on the car…