Oh God, this makes me so nostalgic for top down 8-bit games....Metal Gear and Iron Tank, I'm looking at you!
Wow, Adam Sandler sure has been churning out shit movies recently (last 10 years). Still this doesn't look as bad as Grown Ups 2 or Jack and Jill, Funny People, That's My Boy or Bedtime Stories....
You can taste the 1Up 'shrooms and smell Mario's armpit sweat as he's jumping in Bowser's castle!
That and the automatic shotgun are my two favorites. That rapid fire shotgun is awesome when other players are gunning their cars at you and trying to run you over. A few blasts and they're dead before they reach you. Guaranteed.
I just spent the last two nights enjoying the magic of homing rockets...which really are amazing tools of revenge against red dot trolls flying around in their gunships and military planes trying to rain down death from above.
Yeah, I was a late adopter too. I started playing online in January after I kinda borrowed...OK, stole...my brother's copy. He hasn't asked for it back yet so I think I'll be good for awhile. I only manage to play 1 or 2 hours on Friday nights b/c the rest of my week is occupied by my kids. If my 2 year old even sees…
Playing on PS3 (don't judge me, bro) instead of next/current gen. After unsuccessfully trying 3 times to download the update, each time getting an error in the process (...including one that suggested that I should uplug and restart my router...now I'm getting I.T. advice from Rockstar), I managed to finally log in to…
Yeah. You're the only one or atleast in the minority of GTA gamers. I like playing GTAO. It's fun. The encounters with other players are random, often unexpected, usually violent but hey, that's to be expected in a city where there are more nefarious criminals roaming the streets per square mile than any other place,…
Do you guys just record all your playing sessions on the off chance that something awesome would happen?
I play Pac-Man Championship Edition DX on PSN with my mom in heated controller-passing competition on the rare occasions when she's able to take a vacation and fly to another country to see me and my family.
The question, though is how much would you pay to play a game one time in your life? Is it worth $60? $20? $10? $5.00? What's the price tag on that?
That indeed was the best Modern Warfare. I love the mission where you go into that Arabic village and work your way towards the communication center and all hell breaks looks inside. That and the Airplane hijacking mission were epic too. So many great moments in that game. Gosh, I might just buy a used copy of this…
Easiest way to win is to get your opponent distracted by having them look at how you do your super mega aerial flip kick of doom in a dental floss thong.
Couldn't you just vinyl wrap any vehicle and call it a One Piece car? Maybe something cooler like a 370Z Nismo or a new Skyline.