I am old and mostly I get a Unibomber association. Which was also a popular Halloween costume.
I am old and mostly I get a Unibomber association. Which was also a popular Halloween costume.
I swear to god if you guys (commenters and writers alike) let Tomatoface come in here and make a bajillion reply thread by talking about how the women at his office find Shkreli hot, I will burn the entire planet to the ground.
Instant pharma’s gonna get you.
Shout out to all my fellow Jezzies who read “inexpensive Yankee candles” and thought about how you only get Yankee candles when they're on the clearance endcap at TJ Maxx.
Breaking news from Ohio: A new law will require that any woman who has an abortion must hold a full age appropriate birthday party for the fetus every year until said fetus is 18 years old. Furthermore, said woman must include fetus in all holiday card photos and will take to Disney world at least twice in said…
That’s a little outlandish. It’s not like he shot a black kid or anything.
The fact that women ever had to resort to coat hangers sickens me but not as much as the fact that it is 2015 and this poor fucking woman sticks a coat hanger in herself to get out of a pregnancy because the world is awful.
Sweetie, you’re not better than anyone else. In fact, you’re going to be a distraction to men okay so cover up and hide yourself.
When someone continuously uses the word “sheeple” over and over again and refuses to have any meaningful discussion they have been indoctrinated too. You should really get out more and interact with actual human beings. It’s not healthy to reduce people to “pieces of shit”when they do not agree with you.
The government already dictates what kind of car you can drive, dumbass.
Yeah your guns will do well against a Reaper drone. Do you honestly believe that if there was some sort of armed civil conflict that your cap guns would be able to defend you from the power of our military? I wish people like you would finally get your day in the Sun and see just how defenseless you would be if the…
Tell it to the Indigenous Tribes.
This wasn’t the most subtle film the world has ever seen, but some of the lines you pulled out don’t deserve the scorn you heap on them. If the Dalai Lama said “Love is an action” you’d probably think it was profound. There was a lot of Christian thought in the film which is either idiotic or deep, depending on…
Yes, I would like to know as well.
why did Daddy move to the barn?
Why are we blaming his mom?! Oh right, it’s always a woman’s fault!