
And like everything probably only cost GOOP $40. So that’s some real net profit there

I’d guess he just googles “tomato” and picks references at random. But it’s much more fun to think he’s a fanatic tomato enthusiast utilizing a lifetime of carefully cultivated knowledge.

I think a bag of marshmallows is $2 at the grocery store, and I already have a Sharpie.

They will sail into the West, they’re saga in this Age of the Earth having been fulfilled.

nope- she gets NO pass on this. it isn’t PETTY. The person/bakery who REALLY produced those delicious looking desserts deserved a PLUG from that useless cow- instead of said cow taking credit for someone else’s hard work.

Every time you feel the need to post a comment, jog in place for 5 minutes instead.

no one asked your opinion.

Rick Santorum can feel completely free to mail me a few grand every month so this woman can stay home! Right here, Rick. *waves arms*

“village elders”? what the heck is he talking about? are they the same people who make me sleep in a separate hut when i’m in my moon phase?

On the flip side, many SAHM’s do so because they could not make enough to pay for childcare, the extra income tax, car/insurance/gas/maintenance associated with it and the clothing needed in a professional environment.

where are we loosing young man too?? are they dissapearing in to thin air?? sounds like scifi to me

radical feminism’s misogynistic crusade

Most of the frightened old Catholics who’re scared of the new pope are the bishops and cardinals who are afraid from watching their promotions slip away.

book deal?

Not sure, but I think we know who the village idiot is.

Get back to me after you get “easily” treated for E Coli in a hospital setting. Be sure to factor in the risk of C. Difficile and other nosocomial infections you may acquire during your hospital visit into your projections.

His math also states they should be fine eating from there 3 times a day for the foreseeable future. Show of hands, who actually thinks that’s a good idea right now?

Duh. In case you want to return it.

now you get a receipt for an abortion???

HIV+ is a blood type these days?