
Yeah but would you leave that country for a country that currently has hundreds of thousands of Indians, Pakistanis, and other Southeast Asians in what is basically slavery so they can build some stadiums for the World Cup that will be of no use afterwards?

There are almost nine times as many hate crimes committed against Jews in the United States as against Muslims. Twice as many per capita. But I bet you wouldn’t have anything nice to say if 5 million of them moved to Israel and needed places to live.

There are almost nine times as many hate crimes committed against Jews in the United States as against Muslims. Twice as many per capita. But I bet you wouldn’t have anything nice to say if 5 million of them moved to Israel and needed places to live.

An intelligent human? He didn’t do anything for his project but take an already existing clock from Walmart, took the parts out of the casing and stuck it in a briefcase with some glue. That’s it. No, really. THAT. WAS. IT. He didn’t invent jack. He didn’t even take an already produced product and add anything that

I can’t pretend to understand the mindset that responds to a potential civil rights violation by moving to a country notorious for using slave labor.

The family is most likely innocent. That said, the shooters seemed as normal and well adjusted as the family. It’s for this reason they probably won’t be cleared for a few weeks.

Take off your hoodie when you're being interviewed, girlie.

Amazing that a company celebrating the sexual destruction of women for hordes of wonderful men jacking off to fantasies of absolute dominance over a battered piece of tits and ass wouldn’t actually be feminist. How could we have been so wrong?

An industry of rapists preying on women under the guise of sex-positive porn. We tried to warn this generation but they wouldn’t listen.

a colleague of mine is going through his FOURTH divorce. another one has 5 kids by 3 wives, and he’s not even 45 yet. the national head of our department is on his third, and doesn’t really hide his proclivity of hanging out with prostitutes.

it’s so horrible that this may be true

Maybe because it was actually an infant daughter and therefore worth less (in her eyes, given her upbringing in Saudi Arabia) than a boy? I do wonder if she would have done this if she had a “valuable” male heir to raise.

What if the child —lacking proper tutelage from a mother— decides to become a pork-eating, homo-loving, booze drinking jew/christian/hindu/atheist. Then Mom gets to heaven but never gets to see her daughter because she is in Islamo-hell. Seems like that plan has an obvious flaw.

That sound you just heard was the sound of dozens of liposuction machines being fired up in preparation for Monday’s “bikini-bod” restorative sucking. She’ll be back to balancing things on her butt cheeks in no time.

I predict Martian Edward BeepBeep North.

Due West.

Allahu Bikerbar?

Yes lets have all news just be local. We dont need to know what is happening in other parts of the country.

Bowdich asked for the public’s help ...

It’s almost like they’re not mutually exclusive!