This is probably the first time that overdosing in a brothel saved a marriage.
This is probably the first time that overdosing in a brothel saved a marriage.
As opposed to whom? All of fucking California and Colorado? I believe they have a large number of yuppie atheists who believe that vaccines are “poison.”
I just want to thank you for using lose and not loose.
“Went to @schwankekasten jewelry today in White-Fish Bay during regular business hours . They locked the door and told me to go away .”
If I had to do tax accounting, I’d cry in the restroom, too.
My six year old’s favorite breakfast is scrambled eggs and avocado slices. I’m terrified that he’s going to start doing Crossfit during recess.
I do this with any pie where the filling isn’t sticky (like apple pie is sticky). Pumpkin pie or lemon pie especially. The crusts on those tend to be super bland, so why bother with the calories? I just eat the filling out of it. That’s the tasty part.
The best is the poor chef running after them trying to offer them delicious duck. I suspect kids who prefer nuggets will decline a duck, unless perhaps in nugget form . . . which is . . . not correct and bad.
My dream is to drown in a sea of Great Danes.
The Mid-Atlantic will rise again!
I stopped reading when you used the phrase ‘cager’ as part of your tirade.
Utter nonsense. He didn’t need to do anything to get away from a “dangerous situation.” He got impatient behind a slow car and broke the law. He passed in a no passing area with clear double yellow lines, and passed very close to a car that by all rights should not be expecting him to pass. It’s completely fathomable…
I don’t have any issue with bikes, but your attitude hear does nothing but harm to other bikers. The law and rules of the road still apply to you. Your bike does not give you a free pass to ignore certain laws because you feel like it.
“You probably don’t ride, so you don’t understand the unquenchable urge that riding gives you to act like an entitled dickhead on the road.”
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
A wise woman once explained to me how it was menopause that finally made it possible for her to divorce her loser husband. As she said to me: “All those hormones make you stay connected to the bastard. And then you go into the Pause and you think ‘What was I doing, what was I thinking?’ And you throw the trash bag…
Well, yes, the supermodel would be making the sex and the sandwiches, and never age or menstruate.
Impressive graphics for 2006! I don't get this whining. Just don't participate then. Oh wait the world owes you free sex and sandwiches I forgot.
This is hilarious, yet also sad, because I know some men actually believe that.