I thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was only cast when an Indian actor had to back out at the last minute?
I thought Chiwetel Ejiofor was only cast when an Indian actor had to back out at the last minute?
Whitewashing with a black actor. It seems there was a pretty fair variety of ethnicity in the movie. People just want something to bitch about
would watch this show
To be fair, Jesus would probably support scientific advances that help people live better lives.
Insist upon using the restroom the next time they give you nitrous oxide, then wander into the lobby, knock the picture off the wall, and stomp the shit out of it. I didn’t do exactly that when I got my wisdom teeth out, but Dr. Kernstock’s magazine rack was never the same.
Not to make light of this woman’s experience but on my work record from a previous job is an official write up admonishing me to “stop stealing coworker’s hair and doing magic spells with it”.
Stop. I refuse to believe this is real.
“I don’t care what it says here. It was 30 pieces of silver, not silver amalgam”
As the exhausted patient of a dental practice that blasts Christian music, has Christian “art” everywhere, and whose employees ask me occasionally what church I go to, I say with excitement, sue their Christian asses out of business.
Can I do that too? I mean I’m a woman though. Like maybe I get like insanely wealthy and get my support staff to say: ‘Supernova has the smallest vagina ever, it’s like non existent. I almost saw it once but it vanished like a thief in the night because I didn’t believe hard enough.’
The people I most feel bad for are showers who show at 4.5-5” or so. Like... “That’s going to be a big one! .... Oh, that’s not getting any bigger is it? Oh.”
Current cycle: slow cook whole chicken, strip meat and dump bones back in with veggies for stock; blend and use for red beans and rice. Repeat until paycheck justifies pork loin in addition.
I’d like to know what the anti-browning folk’s rationale is. I don’t think your stew would be total crap without browing, but there’s no question the browning adds a ton of flavor and appeal. Just imagine your nice stew picture with gray meat instead of brown.
Actually I am pretty sure that comments like hers—and I would call it transphobic rather than merely rude—legitimate the kind of hatred that motivate these murders. It’s not like there’s zero connected between mainstream society trashing a marginilized group, and people in that group getting murdered.
“Hey, parents who lost kids to guns, and you other communists who care about that, what you don’t understand is that your kid’s death was something that happened to YOU, while the possibility of me losing my gun is something that would happen to ME. So. Big difference.”
You’re basically saying the same thing men say about women all they type in situations: women are manipulative liars, etc... I would agree that suspension seems a bit much, but you think that the correct response would be to tell a young girl that she doesn’t deserve to be believed if she feels threatened by a man?…
In the article it says the girl has a history of acting aggressive to other students and she poured milk all over other kids lunches.