fuck everything pumpkin
fuck everything pumpkin
Maybe, did Jews ever kill people at Charlie Hebdo?
It’s almost like he’s just a person and not imbued with the spirit of a random god.
He’s not going to get a cot. They’ll just stick him to the roof of his cell every night.
“What’s scarier, being in debt or being in that building for another six months?”
I have to shamefully admit that while cleaning a shower stall in the basement of a house with very hard water, my mom did the chlorine gas thing back in the day and messed up her lungs something fierce. She always ends the story with “But oh my the shower stall was GLEAMING WHITE when I finished!”
The Subway trainee sounds like she has a bright career ahead of her in adult films if the sandwich gig doesn’t work out.
The soup of the day is usually Hitler miss, but I’m sure you’ll just Goebbels up today’s gestapo soup.
And the other part of this research is that women...are not into old guys. At the age when men find them optimally desirable- 20, 21- women are only interested in men that are the same age they are.
When one of my friends was complaining about getting messages from much older guys with the old “age is just a number” line, I told her to ask them if that was true, then why aren’t they hitting on women 20 years older? When the inevitable “ewww” was the response, she said, “Now you know how I feel when I get a…
Wow, it’s pretty obvious you’re one of those creepy, gross as hell, old men.
No, men have sell-by dates but they’re deluded to think they don’t.
I mean, sure they do. How many young women do you think would date an 80-year old for his charm or looks alone? Or a 50-year old, for that matter?
It doesn’t do much? If you’re a young women you’re constantly being made uncomfortable by old men who think they’re entitled to you.
Gasp! As a single 22-year-old am I nearly past my prime?
I have never seen anyone on the Internet claim to look older than they actually are. But there seem to be legions of people who are 45 but look like they’re 12.
I mean, the good thing about this is that according to the chart, in approximately one-two more years, creepy old men will stop hitting on me in order to hit on women slightly younger than me.