
A famous wag once said, ( I think), “We all get the faces we deserve by the time we’re 40.” If that’s true, this woman is going to look like a monster by that time. There is such evil and bad-heartedness already written on her face that she would probably have to spend all of the rest of the time between now and then

How old is MissFattShamingDesperatelyNeedingAttention?

Wow, this is just like Revolutionary War reenacting, except it doesn’t end with a Monday hangover and the stench of burnt powder on your hands when you return to normal life. Hopefully this woman’s apartment reeks of coal dust and the effluvia of the 11 children she would have had by this point in her life.

No, I think you’re just, you know, in touch with reality. There is no other time period that would be better to live in, for women at least. It’s like that Louis CK joke - white men can go to ANY time period and be like “Woo fun!” but it will suck tremendously for literally everyone else.

In one sense, I agree that the situations aren’t comparable. Davis refuses to act as the state performing a function of the state, when in reality the state itself does not have a freedom to religion. She has that job, she needs to do that job, full stop, or remove herself from the position of being a representative

Fuck these religious assholes who think they’re entitled to a job, fuck them. Go find “work” in your religious institutions, not in jobs serving the public.

I can’t believe this is real life

If I was Kim Davis I’d be soooooo pissed that Huckabee turned my special martyr appreciation rally into a presidential rally all about him. I bet he wears white to her fifth wedding, too.

That outfit is for sheep raping

kim davis’ husband is the ghost of a confederate soldier

I’m making a joke about homeopathy, which preaches that the more you dilute a substance, the more powerful it is. Which is insane.

The homeopaths were rescued after they were seen rolling around in a field near their hotel, gibbering incoherently.”

Are you crazy? That would just make it so strong it would have killed them!

They should have diluted it in water until there was statistically probably nothing but water left.

To be fair, my comment-writing career was going nowhere as Chad Waspington III.

“Next time, we recommend a box. I mean, did you not see this coming?”

I didn’t even want to see that shit in the hospital. I believe they told me that was the placenta and I said, “Great, please get it the fuck out of here.”

It is in the Warship Worship Wednesday program, right between Michael Rowed The Boat To The Middle Of The Lake With Some Concrete And Rope and Nearer My Tire Iron To Thee.

Hey, some Jains don’t believe in clothes, which is probably why there are so few in Minnesota