
I'm pretty sure this is a great comment, but let me sleep on it.

Nobody can complain the food was messed with, nobody can complain the server did anything illegal or abusive.

I WISH my rescue greyhound would respond to a recall. He is seriously fast, but only fences for us, since he’s about as willing to listen as a potato.

Mostly I imagine Jack Nicholson taking naps between sponge baths and lengthy complaint sessions about either his shingles or gout.

I can’t believe it took this long for someone to go there.

So not even a team named ‘Chihuahuas’ likes chihuahuas, apparently, and opted for Dachshunds instead.

He’s living beyond his means, like any New Money Z-lister. His album sold only 2,200 copies despite touring with Chris Brown. People know very well he’s broke, that’s why he walked out of a bank showing off a stack of $100 bills, like who does that? There are envelopes. And this is also why he won’t leave Kylie’s

Your misplaced uterus is gathering with other free uterii to plan the liberation of the uterus currently possessed by Michelle Duggar. It’s overused and needs a break.

Which is why when I hear people criticizing mothers for choosing “medicalized” births over “natural” ones “because women have been doing it for thousands of years” I reflexively respond “...and it killed many of them.” And no, making people wash their hands before helping deliver a child did not magically change that,

I’ve posted this on here before, but it’s worth reposting. It’s from an article called “Watch Your Language,” but child advocate/lawyer/writer Andrew Vachss:

“He described sex with minors, including underage prostitutes between the ages of 9 and 16” Um, no. He described raping child sex slaves. No nine year old is a prostitute and no nine year old “has sex” with an adult. Ever. That’s slavery and rape. I know. I too was a nine year old sex slave.

Not to mention having a close relationship with a teacher gives him a reason to hang around schools... :/

Fucking vote already! You have the freakin’ numbers to own the South and this country today! You and the Democrats could OWN Texas if you’re a majority there! Same in Arizona! The GOP would have to come crawling on it’s hands on knees to you begging for forgiveness and completely disavowing the racists in

I save our bacon fat because you haven't truly lived until you've eaten a grilled cheese sandwich fried in bacon grease.

we have wild turkeys around where we live, and those fuckers are vicious. I’ve gotten a few texts from friends that go, “Be there soon, stuck in car because of turkeys.”

If you dont want to eat pork, then don’t eat pork. Just don’t try to fool yourself into thinking you’re eating something that in any way resembles actual bacon. Why bother?

Yes. That’s exactly what I meant.

Come on. That’s not true. It’s not entirely the religion, but it’s not entirely NOT the religion. It is safe to say that Islam has SOMETHING to do with this awful covering.

Why are women still Catholic? Internalized misogyny is a son of a bitch.

Hopefully they are able to tackle some real issues - like whether or not it’s okay for drivers to be inconvenienced by a beheading taking place in the middle of the road? Should police have to move over a few lanes before removing a women’s head from her neck on charges of adultery? Serious issues concerning drivers.