Must have killed a black woman.
Must have killed a black woman.
Being poor, or disadvantaged as some are saying here does not make you prone to be excited by rape, beheadings and mass murder. Implying so is a terrible accusation. Sociopaths exist in all countries, at all ages. If they are called home to the mothership to bomb and behead innocents they lose their citizenship as…
Grounding me most likely, but my level of teenage stupidity stopped at things like staying out too late, failing the occasional test, or buying things I shouldn't; not, you know, trying to flee the country to join a terrorist cell.
They were raised in Islamic families.
I read the online forums these teenagers are on. They were very aware of the Yezidi women being raped and justified and celebrated it.
That is very interesting. It's obvious these girls are not from poor families, they're growing up in the UK with an abundant Social Welfare and many opportunities, although young teens often think of themselves are worse off than they actually are, not any other life. I think these girls are running from incredibly…
Good points although I don't believe Westerners "idolize" the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Children? According to Islam they're old enough to marry and impregnate, so they're adults. Or don't you respect the cultures and beliefs of other lands? Stop forcing your western ideals onto them. Oppression! Oppression!
I bet they think they will be put up on a pedestal and be treated better than men. They will be chivalrically worshipped from afar until they choose some handsome warrior who will be true and kind to them. And, of course, he will be super romantic in between all the fighting and beheadings.
At this point, I'm just like "whatever" about this. If you're on any form of social media, you've seen the videos (or links to/discussion of) ISIS beheading videos. You might be a dumbass teenager, but you haven't been completely sheltered from what's going on over there. If you want to join up and get yourself…
Oh please. Like any of us can say that we didn't go through a Teenage "genocidal maniacs are the coolest" phase.
of course not. If women get hungry, then they eat food. and when they eat food, then they get fat. and when they get fat, then all the boners get sad.
I'm thinking the minute someone shoots a guy that's trying to assault her, it'll be "Well don't you think you overreacted? He was probably just trying to be NICE!"
But he was a model of modern chivalry, armed and ready to protect the purity and virtue of ladies everywhere! You man hating feminists can't even appreciate a real man/nice guy these days... (sarcasm)
Why would these assholes tell "hot little girls" to carry a gun since they think that the majority of campus assaults/rapes are made up?
Solution: make the screen out of guns. PROBLEM SOLVED.
Completely (or at least semi-completely) unrelated but this past Sunday I was walking in a sushi restaurant to purchase my dinner and a gentleman in front of me had a gun strapped to his side when he turned around to hold the door open for me and I had a "seriously dude?" expression on my face and the first thing he…
Resting bitch face. Active bitch face. Sleeping bitch face. All the bitch face.
Here's a secret, from a person with both anaphylaxis AND Crohn's in their family: sometimes, people say that they're "allergic" to something when they mean that it gives them severe gastric distress, because saying "oh, I can't have that because it locks down my digestive system and gives me the death shits" isn't…
Who leaves country packed with ponies to come to a non-pony country?!