
Um... I'm wondering if the sarcasm didn't come across. Cliff notes version: it's totally ludicrous that this is breaking news. This model fits every conventional standard of beauty except extreme thinness. in real life, she probably stops traffic. And I am guesstimating that she wears a combo of size 6 to 10,

The most insulting part of this is that I have to supply my own love interest.

He turns to his bright-eyed eight year old, sitting but two feet from me, and says, "You see son? This is why you should stay in school."(FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)

this is it. this is the one. here we go.

If the mother, father and unborn infant had all been armed the toddler would have found a less prepared family to shoot.


Yeah, all the plastic candy clothes and the Baby's First Blowjob Doll faces don't really work for me aesthetically. Just a personal preference.

Let's not jump to conclusions. Maybe he's just a PUA who took negging way too far!

Yeah I think that gif just got me pregnant

Or maybe it's fun if you get pics of your "frenemies" and make 'smores out of them. A delicious ending to slowly roasting that bitch over an open flame!

Yeah, demonizing mercy and compassion. Because "God" demands brutality. Fucked up.

Well, at least they're a sporting evil death cult.

Holding out for her to return in a yellow abaya, Onitsuka Tigers, and a katana in hand and deliver some righteous fucking justice.

None of this has anything to do with Islam.

Trust me, the Florida scale is not meant to be encouraging in any way. You want as few points on it as possible.

Just for you...

Spoken as a guy who has had a soccer ball to the nuts. I'm not saying I cried, but I did get really emotional.

"...I think my penis."