
wait i want to meet in a pillow fort

Pft, never say "we". When a guy says "we need to", it means you need to. And when you say "we need to" it STILL means you need to.

Gosh, it's like so weird that the person doing all the work, and then coming home to a house that the other person enfilthed would have a stressful energy.

This! This is why marriage is in decline for lower income people. Single women/single mothers are trying to make it work on one income, but they (the heterosexual ones at least) aren't attaching themselves to a man because men are useless. If Hanna Rosin is right and we've reached the end of men, it seems like it

It's science. Men need Testosterone in order to improve meta cognitive faculties. Testosterone is derived from androstenedione to it's bicatalytic subunit MandroRespoActivator or MRA for short. This conversion releases Tesosterone. The most potent way to increase the Androstenedione to MRA reaction, is via bright


Ummm I'm gonna say he was able to get over it real fast when he saw the other 100 sexy teen girls running around his house drunk in lingerie.

"I just want the best for my little girl and all her super hot friends."

No family, no job, no possessions, no pets...

Can we just nuke Los Angeles already?

Sweet, it pays off again to be a short atheist stoner.

so where does his muse sleep? oh right, she just recharges in a corner chair.

Yikes. That your focus and irk is on the fact that he didn't have to "do" anything to "earn" the money (whereas you do for your "deal") says you should probably be thinking a little harder about your situation. I'm not confident that a 29-yo with your mindset is capable of character-building exercises for however

It's weird how often we see posts about maintenance sex, and not maintenance abstinence. Service your man or he will leave you. Why shouldn't it be the man who withholds for his partners health, sanity, whatever. I think it's a mix of both, but it's never portrayed as such, and articles like this are almost ALL about

"Well if that's their culture, then I feel uncomfortable telling them what they should or should not be doing."


That's what I love about those High School girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.

Nope. If they did, they wouldn't be vacationing in a vicious dictatorship built on slave labor.

like it starts ok but the entire thing is just like bad sex- i keep waiting for something to happen, but nothing does, and then it's over.

Not even just for women in public, I think. I don't believe it's reasonable to demand the Feminist Seal of Approval for every action any woman makes. It becomes this impossible standard. If you're one way, you're a prudish, sex hating feminazi. If you're another, you're a brainwashed victim who's regurgitating