
um, it's not racism. muslims killed other muslims. Islam is not a race. this is like Catholics and Protestants, both of whom are white, in N. Ireland. Religion /= Race.… While we're on the subject of radical Islam, I would expect a site like Jezebel to cover the terrifying atrocities women face in ISIS held areas of Iraq and Syria. "State" sanctioned slavery and rape is absolutely horrifying.

"He had me pay for everything" ...because he thought I was babysitting him

It was about ethics in gaming journalism.

Nice conversation I had with a fella on the street this morning:

I want to fire tiny lasers OUT of my vagina. When you can swing that, give me a call.

What about vaginal apathy? Do they have lasers for that yet?

Absolutely. Some people respond to that rage by clamming up and never telling anyone; others respond to that rage by shouting it at every opportunity. It's so rough that women are judged negatively no matter which way they deal with it, though ("Well, why didn't you come forward at the time?" vs "What an attention

I googled an image search. He is the personification of douchebag.

Assuming he's sentient may also be giving him too much credit.

No. The father is what would happen if a bottle of Axe body spray were to gain sentience. "Human" is giving him entirely too much credit. (Do a Google image search if you don't believe me, but if you do, please be prepared - you may, for the first time ever, find yourself feeling sympathy for Justin.)

Justin Beiber has a human father?

She's not stuck, she's aerating.

describing Robin Thicke as "the human version of a white leather couch" just made my week. I like to think of him, along with Adam Levine and John Mayer, as part of this three-piece set:

Rofl that's only for people with opinions. Cheating is merely frowned upon.

I didn't make the rules of gamerdom.

So, how many death and rape threats are they going to get?

And don't even get me started on all the sites that have failed to deliver on their promise that "dozens of horny housewives in [my] area need immediate love."

Yeah, I'm on the server's side. Picky gluten people are the fucking worst.