You know what would help?
You know what would help?
Yet more ridiculousness from angry virginal manchildren. As a gamer (I've probably been gaming since before most GG types were born) it never, ever occurred to me that this kind of behavior would come from people under a banner with Gamer anything on it. What in the actual fuck is a bunch of angry neckbeards who are…
Lay down with dogs, get up with fleas.
Gamergaters need not be battled online on social media.
Gamergaters, just get into a multiplayer match with me in your favorite shooter. You'll be humiliated enough and strip your title as a gamer in a few minutes.
I thought it started because people cared too much about a female developers sexual life?
Meanwhile, I'm the most published person on the planet.
9, actually. They forgot to count Bruce.
If you have sex with your boyfriend in a car in the afternoon with the door open in front of other people and then hitch up her skirt and wipe yourself with a napkin, then don't act surprised if someone calls the police. And she also pulled the "do you know who I am" card, which really makes her an asshole. So…
Dude. Mommy issues. These are all guys looking for a mom (unpaid lady who will cook for you and clean up after you)... who they can fuck.
This can't be true, surely?! I was lead to believe that aspartame and vaccines created cancer and no such disease existed until Big Pharma made it up to create revenue for their lizard overlords! Well. It at least confirms that cannabis cures all cancer immediately and is also a wonder drug that will re-grow legs,…
"I DO NOT THINK GAMES CAUSE VIOLENCE." I don't think they cause violence, but I think a game that is intentionally designed to teach the player to revel in the suffering of others in a semi-realistic fashion definitely has the potential to instigate violent acts. There is a reason why combat simulators, flight…
Whew, it's a good thing Law benefits from the Clint Eastwood rule. Otherwise we'd hear media screams of baby daddy; breakdown of the family; irresponsible fatherhood and the like. Oh wait, that's only for us black folks. Never mind.
Also, any guy who enjoys blowjobs and uses "dick-sucking" as an insult is a fucking hypocrite.
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that…
A tongue cannot replace a penis.
I used to be perfectly fine with the idea of sexing up small dicks. Even micropeens ( theory). They even seemed preferable, since intercourse with bigger guys had generally been painful and frustrating.
"The LAPD cleared Collins in a 2012 investigation, which the department said they are now reviewing because there was no glaring media spotlight on them at the time, according to the Los Angeles Times."
Hello, all. I am Of the Internet. I learned to code stupid HTML sites for my Neopets at the age of 10 and I was blogging about how much I hated my small town and couldn't wait to break free by age 12. Neopets became Livejournal and Xanga and they became AlbinoBlackSheep and Something Awful and Ebaumsworld and…
At this point tabloids have confirmed that Khloe looks like everyone, ever. The REAL truth is out: Khloe is the Mother of Us All.
It's outrageous how many softcore murder-threat sympathizers there are in this thread. They start like this:
"Threats are out of hand! But I don't agree with the types of things she says, and I don't believe her, and she's acting cocky about it so I'm not surprised, and lots of other people get threats against them so…