The cultural enrichment from our Muslim colonists escalates.
The cultural enrichment from our Muslim colonists escalates.
There’s an ayat in the Koran (3:110) that’s right on point! ““Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had Faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have Faith, but most of them are perverted…
This is what I don’t get. Islam is individual, every Muslim is individual, but somehow whenever a Muslim does something in keeping with their prophet’s documented activities “it makes Muslims look bad.” I wish Muslims could figure out if they really are an “ummah” collective or not (or that they’d stop lying about it.…
That drooping eyelid look is why I’m not going anywhere near Botox.
No circumstance to be free from racial victimization theory, class analysis, and basic envy.
That’s so cute and should go over real well in the safe space!
Shuffleboard and the lunch buffet line.
You could say that about a lot of Muslim “inventions” over the past millennium, most of which were stolen from conquered and subsequently annihilated cultures. It’s a religious tradition.
There’s an interesting report from AFP about how much at least the male jihadi’s father knew about his son’s Islamic beliefs. “He said he agreed with (IS chief Abu Bakr) al-Baghdadi’s ideas for creating the Islamic State, and he was obsessed by Israel,” La Stampa quoted the father of the shooter, also named Syed…
Or, you know, a lot of guns and bombs, just like their peaceful and moderate relatives.
I’m trying so hard to find the “empowerment” in all this . . .
Turn the coverage lawyer hyenas on the NRA and there won’t even be a tattered carcass left. This is brilliant.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, the Muslim prophet himself repeatedly stated that most Muslimahs go to hell for disobedience and ingratitude (sahih hadith of Bukhari, Muslim, and others less reliable), so chances are she’ll be right there when the secularized kid finally arrives.
Due to the nature of this discussion, my horse is pretty low to the ground. Porn “acting” is prostitution. That’s what it is. They are having sex for money, consensual or not (and apparently, according to the weeping (always women) victims now emerging, it’s a lot less consensual that it’s sold to be). Now third-wave…
Maybe porn’s not so good then.
Slut-shaming? Nah, definitions. Prostitution is becoming “holes for [paying customer] to put his dick in” for money. Pretending it isn’t — that it’s somehow “empowering” — doesn’t make it cancer research.
Reading these comments, I can’t stop thinking about the voiceover in a They Might Be Giants song hissing “I don’t want the world. I just want your half.”
Fifteen mil is going to go a long way in Qatar. Squads of Indonesian slave-maids, drivers for the highest-end luxury cars, closets stuffed with the finest and tightest hijabs for Mommy, young women “studying Qu’ran” for Daddy to instruct . . . Pity about his sisters, though, Qatar being near the bottom of the barrel…
Just in case nobody’s noticed, there’s another jihadi murder run in Mali — on a hotel often used by foreigners. They are letting people go who can babble the shahada (Islam’s profession of belief in Mohammed) and maybe other Koranic verses. Mali’s flag colors are red, gold and green in vertical bars. Their distinctive…
The concept of “courage” itself is so difficult to navigate now.