Bruce F. Webster

I would bet that only one or two characters make it out. Just because it’s Disney doesn’t mean there won’t be deaths, and as far as I’m aware this is meant as a one off story.

Over/under on Jyn et al all being wiped out by Vader at the end of Rogue One just after getting the stolen plans over to Leia?

Myspace is the zombie in this analogy, died off and came back all fucked up

FISTTVA is just a weird secret message, man.

He wants another story on his house.

god. this game. see, this is what i mean. i did not know that.

Yeah, that’s what I allude to in the review with Trajan. The spirit is there, but the numbers tripping them off are busted.

I’m loving it so far, but once again the AI is hot garbage. I was playing a game where I was on an island all by myself, and Montezuma was across ocean, probably 7-10 tiles.

I love the builders. Love them. Love having to ration them out, love having to prioritise which improvements they make. Removes one of the most mindless parts of Civ and makes them a far more interesting unit.

You get a little icon showing that you’ve already set up a trading post between the two cities. Which itself took me ages to work out what it actually MEANT.

I am ashamed that that was the first thing I thought of when I read that sentence, too.

Useless Windows “feature” causing issues? *gasp* never heard of that before...

Good to hear people found the culprit though, it is very easy to forget Windows Defender exists.

The most unrealistic thing which gives it away right from the start, is the idea of anyone that obsessed with Slender Man having a girl friend for that long.

I’ve got this guys. I’ll go in, check it out. If I’m not back in 30 minutes then it’d be best to hold off on the update.

Or maybe wait an hour or 2.

and short.

My 75th birthday is going to be awesome.

“Sean Bean Is Magnificent In Everything He’s Ever Been In”