Bruce F. Webster

I love the attempt to blame COVID on it not being received well. A lack of empty time was *not* one of the issues I was facing during lockdown or since.

I think there were a few holding out for the giant worms specifically.

The lies were spectacular, but at this point it's just humorous.

Hunkered down with Todd McFarlane and Spawn.

And we will all wonder why he bothered. 

And the last denizens of earth still won’t be sure why he waited so long to do this.

That’s pretty ambitious. My guess is he’ll still be working on Avatar 2 when the sun burns out.

The sun could be gradually expanding, threatening to burn the entire world to a cinder, and Cameron would be in his bunker near the Earth’s core finishing up work on Avatar 7.

I feel this comment in my bones. Any time my PC, TV, or receiver get a firmware update I can typically expect an hour or two of futzing around upgrading everything, messing with settings, and just generally clutching my head and softly weeping because I have a toddler and any barrier longer than 30 minutes pretty much

A biopharmaceutical company developing a cure for cancer accidentally unleashes a giant mutant shark able to swim, walk on land, burrow underground and even fly short distances in two new trailers for Land Shark.

Neither, or both.

I’d also say the Lensman series is a major inspiration as well. Jedi are 95% Lensmen and the Death Star is Roger’s Planetoid.

* David Goyer has got to have a really good agent. He gets to wet his beak in everything cool.

I am old enough that I learned word processing using WordPerfect (on a dual floppy IBM) did my calculations on Lotus Notes and built my first database using Ashton-Tate’s DBase app. I learned to surf the web with Netscape. I always find it odd when these articles come out implying that tech companies improving their

That’s a really solid point. Alien works precisely because at every level, what’s going on just rationalism run amok. The crew gets in the situation they do because Mother woke them up prematurely, overriding her protective role on company orders. They’d have flown right by in cryosleep if Mother hadn’t done so. They

Not a direct comparison but his character in Red was the most fun part of an already fun action comedy ensemble and very much had me convinced that he would delivery in Space Force. :D

Haven’t we been through enough, 2020?!

In conversation with the LA Times, Ridley Scott stated he’s considering a third Prometheus/Alien film set to reveal the secret origins of the derelict ship on LV-426— and why its cargo bay held thousands of Xenomorph eggs.

Kingkiller Chronicles 3 or Buckaroo Banzai vs The World Crime League