This sounds...heavenly. And I’ve got everything right now (including BthB).
This sounds...heavenly. And I’ve got everything right now (including BthB).
I last bought a new car (2005 Ford Expedition) in, well, 2005. Paid it off in 6 years. Kept driving it until something broke deep inside the engine this past summer (it was just at 200k miles). Sigh. Went out and paid cash ($4500) for a used 2009 Ford Escape. I will drive it until it dies and then buy another used car…
I pay for Hulu and Netflix, and I could probably do without Hulu. I’m an Amazon Prime customer, so I get that as well.
I have zero interest in any of these other burgeoning streaming services. I’ve got a ton of books I still haven’t read.
I’ve been watching football for over half a century. (Heck, half a century ago, I was playing football, in high school.) I thought it was a great game. Both defenses were brutally effective against top-notch offenses. That’s every bit as much excellent football as the 53-49 scorefests we’ve been seeing this season.
Bitter much?
Most large-scale software projects are late and over budget, and they frequently fail altogether. As I tell my CS 428 (‘Software Engineering’) students repeatedly, the only way in which to make up schedule slip is to drop features — or, as in this case, significantly reduce the scope and goals of the project. I also…
I’ve spent 20 years serving from time to time as an expert witness in litigation that involves information technology, and so have read many dozens of (scores of, maybe a few hundred) complaints and counter-complaints. And I’ve found that the nastiest, most mean-spirited complaints (talking about the legal filings…
Davis did not sustain any bodily injuries, according to the police report.
I have a new hero.
The true Chinese carrier killer is most likely the DF-21D. It’s slower than the HD1, but can carry a nuclear warhead; a near-miss might not actually sink the carrier, but would almost certainly remove it from combat participation until extensive repairs are done.
“Scrooge” with Albert Finney remains my all-time favorite version of “A Christmas Carol”. The songs and choreography are sharp and wonderful.
No Man’s Sky, starting a new game with the just-released Visions and Abyss updates.
Nothing unique here about Rockstar or even the computer game industry.
What is this “jiff” thing you speak of?
Fallout is filled with moments like this, where it employs Cruise’s mania for stuntwork to achieve levels of immediacy, intensity, and clarity that make you feel like you took a big sucking whiff of pure oxygen.
I do a lot of software intellectual property cases as an expert witness. The fact that Bethesda is claiming both copyright infringement and theft of trade secrets suggests that they have a pretty good idea as to exactly what sections of code they think were re-used. Discovery should be interesting.
Decades ago, when I was in high school, I raised rats for a while. Let me tell you, when you have eight baby rats playing and chasing each other on the large plywood desk in your bedroom, it’s like having your own miniature puppy circus. Rats are cute, affectionate, and intelligent.
Actually, if you look closely, he gave him a quick scratch on the head.
Oh, it’s much, much older than 2015. When I arrived in Honduras in 1972 as a new missionary, my companion & I lived with a local family that we paid for room and board. The doña of the house would serve us corn flakes with hot milk for breakfast. It was a bit startling at first, but I grew to like it, even if it made…