Bruce F. Webster

You don’t have kids, do you?


Man, what a great time for a gamer to be alive. And to think I was amazed when I got to play the first Civ back when it originally came out. My friends, we have indeed come a long way.

Let’s reimagine it! With arabs, persians, drusians, jews, turks, egyptians, berbers and all kinds of peoples that actually are representative of the region and time Sinbad comes from! Now, that’s revolutionary

Finally, Sinbad is making a comeback!

Good show old bean, good show.

Proggy, Synthy, Psychey, Orchestraley...

Yeah, definitely nobody losing arms or hands or anything in ANY of those Star Wars movies.

Or if he spends five minutes trying to climb a building only to repeatedly run into the wall over and over again.

It was funny, but the minute I saw that first image I got the instinctive rage and desire to smack the back of the head that comes with anyone that’s ever been a weapons instructor at seeing him reload with his finger still on the trigger.

That’s how evolution works man.

What am I doing wrong as a female gamer that always plays a female character to not get offered free goods for services?!!

Now playing

But he’ll never be as scary as when he was that dapper dresser Mr. Dark.

....And no love for this one?

Interesting Beasts and Maybe Try Looking at a Map For Once?

Magical Beasts and Seriously Just Invest In A Better Suitcase You Daft Prick!

Magical Beasts and Have You Looked Where You Saw Them Last?

Tentative title for the second movie: Fantastic Beasts And, Uh, Are They Over There?