Bruce F. Webster

Yes, I’m surprised they didn’t put their magic sub-surface imaging cameras on their drones.

it looks like Sokovia

It may tell us nothing about the show in its specifics, but it lets me know they at least have the tone down.

Kamandi is still the source of one of my favorite two-page spreads in all of comics:

I think we’ve all heard worse. *Cough* Dawn of Justice *cough*

I am The Ok with this.

As a writer of the thing, I’m not that interested in militarized dinosaurs, at least not in practice.

the first movie had a fair bit of actual piracy.

These two get me every time....

I knew Disney was building a Star Wars theme park, but a whole Death Star... they are really going all out.

So, um... does this mean that eventually one can binge on The Purge?

You know, all of Indy’s enemy big-bads get melted, head-sploded, turned to dust, et cetera. At some point you’d think that they’d pick up on the pattern.

“Add Kara Danvers” is the formula to make literally anything better.

Now playing

Considering what happened the last time someone tried to make a family film with wild African animals, I’m not sure that’s a good idea:

...aaaand now I have to go look up persiflage as well.

Very creepy.

We need to get Jude Law in this universe so we can have 2 Sherlocks and 2 Watsons on screen at the same time.

(The two come to odds with each other)

I hope he meets Martin Freemans character from civil war.

I had completely forgotten about this show! This is one of the reasons I love io9.