Bruce F. Webster

“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You always have to kill off a major or beloved character for your story to evolve”
-Joss Wheedon

Somewhere, Joss reads this and cocks his head in confusion.

Plus, y’know, maybe they wanted to explore that whole “you can tell a cool, ‘game-changing’ comic book story without having to kill a marquee character” thing.

It’s called “world-building”. It’ll all make sense in the sequel, Sadako vs. Kayako vs. Gojira

It’s like they took the best goofy parts of a pile of X-FIles episodes and glued them together. I love it already.

*paints his face*

Woah that is creepy, and I can’t stop watching. And trying to do it myself.

I’m no good at this, but I miss the old writing prompt posts, so...

I still love the bonus material ending, where White finally wakes up and realizes who he really is.

My sister’s MIL at one point never failed to show up unless in the company of Michael- a large, homemade African American Cabbage Patch-style doll who dated from when my BIL was a tot. Michael would travel, strapped in, in the front seat of the car, wearing clothes that my MIL would then put on my nephews. She would

In my virtual kingdoms I’ve put in countless hours to fully gear out my characters. My overwatch gorilla has the finest jackets and hats. My fallout character lives in a beautiful, sprawling city that I custom designed. He even has a stable 401k. I am married to a hulking, horned demon in another game. In the real

That’s about as perfect a response you can get. Good job out of you!


The brand personality of rocks piece is ground breaking.

As with pretty much every fucking article on this site anymore, I want the last 4 minutes of my life back.

For what it’s worth, Star Trek was a failed and cancelled network TV show before it was a 50-year cultural phenomenon.

Uh, pulled pork is pretty simple and forgiving. Not sure how much “skill and artistry” it takes, unless you’re a complete novice in the kitchen.

Hallowed be her name.

As Dolly Parton said, “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”