Bruce F. Webster

Just don’t let me know when Uranus exchanges gasses with any bodies nearby.

Thanks for avoiding the obvious clickbait headline. “Scientist find pluto farts on moon"

Such dangerous things to practice with first geez...

Yea I don’t know if I’d want to be taught by this guy either...

What could go wrong?

Based on the movies so far, it seems pretty safe to say that the Star Wars universe would be much better off without the Jedi. They all seem to be either incompetent, Dark Side-enabling, or corrupt.

Quite the opposite, I thought he was a great pick.

If the Watch is faster, won’t you be early for all your appointments?

Get ready for a nightmarish comment section over those first few sentences.

OK! New Rule! I don’t want to ever see Riker’s “Oh” face again!

So, I finally started watching Supergirl...since, ya know, it was never on Hulu. Holy Hell!!! I am soooo excited for her to be joining the CW Arrowverse. She is like a female Barry Allan. I’m on like episode 12 and all I can say is...holy hell!!! Seriously, this is about to be the golden age of superhero tv. I’m so

they need their own movie

Now that would be a hell of a team-up!

I get the feeling that Rocket and Frank would get along like a house on fire and the criminals are on fire because both Rocket and Frank set the house and criminals on fire.

That was fantastic.

Instead, the researchers say new evidence shows that the impact was more “like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon.”

An accurate headline. Someone take a picture.