Bruce F. Webster

The secret to Grand Theft Auto is to keep a low profile. This nimrod's already at 3 stars.

Say what you will about the Snymurderverse, everything I see of Gal Gadot makes me love her more.

Thank you for this gif. :)

Plot twist: ‘Decline Free Offer’ still upgrades you, but charges you the $119.

Gonna take a wild guess and say it has to do with losing the case to the woman that won $10,000.

These women look like they’d have been a lot funnier than the cast of the new movie, especially Melissa McCarthy, who is is extremely not funny.

Will he teach them how to produce the blue “power” crystals?

It is also the first DCEU movie that isn’t directed by Zack Snyder.

The film, about a boy (Asa Butterfield) raised scientists on Mars who makes his first journey to Earth will open on December 21st.

BD Wong (Dr Hugo Strange) and Benedict Wong (Dr Stephen Strange’s assistant) are two different people.

GOOD GOD, by all that is holy, SMASH IT WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER!!!!

Looking at the size of it I would say a shotgun, wholly crap!

“Helium is the most abundant element in the universe, but there’s precious little of it here on Earth—only around 5 parts per million. It’s also the lightest element”

Why does it feel like this movie comes out every other year with a different name and lead actress?

If we don’t get Luis in AM&W, I will be so, so sad.

I think this is a very legit fear — too much freedom can be a bad thing (I’m looking at you, Matrix sequels.)

I’m glad they will be addressing Scott’s fugitive status. But I want to point out that the first Ant-Man was also a team movie:

What happens if you have the good fortune to be on the slide when the BIG one hits?