Bruce F. Webster

You run the risk of the Die Hard problem, where you have a movie that works BECAUSE it’s just a normal person dealing with crazy circumstances, and you kinda ruin it by having it happen to them over and over. How many times can one person be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

I missed the part in The Avengers where Thor realized that Loki was too dangerous to live, so he snapped his neck.

They kicked their universe off with two shitty movies and tons of bad word of mouth?

You mean, that one is a Murderverse, and the other one is not?

Ryan just loves playing that character, and the World is better for it.

Hold on a minute, there’s not a dumb reason for firewalking?

2012 was also about 2012 hours too long.

And then slowly goes back down into the box on its own.

imagine how cool it would be if he popped up out of the box, grabbed another puppet’s head and slammed it down onto a pencil balanced upright on a table

I’m just going to be that dick and say they got this idea from Endless Legend. But it’s an awesome system and now I may actually play more Civ

My thought as well. It sounds like the main difference is here you’ll plan more of the adjacency bonuses whereas in EL they were determined by the environment.

please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real please be real

Man, I can’t wait for the intense Lovecraftian horror of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Never understood why people are so scared of ouija boards. Without one I wouldn’t be able to tell the ten year old boy I’m haunting what I want him to type on the internet.

I blocked it all out. It was an awful, awful time.

I remember burning CDs back then. CD burners didn’t have buffer under-run tech initially. So you literally couldn’t do anything else on your computer while a CD burned or else the stream to the CD writing would break up and mess up the (at that time) expensive CD. Also, CD drives then were rather picky when it came to

BREAKING NEWS: I’ve just been cast in Spider-Man: Homecoming.