Bruce F. Webster

At the moment, Penn Station is basically a haunted house. So yes, turning it into a roller coaster would defeinitely be an improvement.

And here I thought the title of the article meant the Rock might play the kung fu wolfman.

Aww, I wanted him to play the Wolfman IN a Kung-Fu movie!

Perfect comment deserves Mr Foster to chime in with a star and a “Yo”.

Let’s hope there isn’t a Splinter of the Mind’s Eye

1) Melissa Benoist.

And for us old people who were kids in the 70s and 80s... these shows are the greatest superhero television ever by comparison. Good god the crap we had to watch to get our superhero fix :(


One thing about Bruce will never change...

I would like to star this, but I think we all need to take a long hard look at ourselves and agree that it’s time to retire the “2: Electric Boogaloo” construction.

They have plenty of money. They just don't spend it well. And the former head of maintenance should be in jail.

I can’t believe I’m reading this because yeah actually, I thought that looked like an avalanche of noodles cascading down a flight of stairs

Well shit...there goes any attempt at sleep tonight!


Yeah. Or worms.

Anyone else look at the photo and think it was noodles on the escalator? Just me? Working too hard?

Founder and CEO has to sit at a desk facing another desk?