Bruce F. Webster

Probably this guys heartbeat.


No. The correct answer was Cthulhu.

Oh man. Do I post the Alien Guy GIF? Star Trek IV? Obi Wan’s “millions of voices cried out in terror”?

Seems it’s right in line with the concept of fried chicken.. It’s interesting seeing an old recipe, can’t say it seems mind blowing-ly different or anything.

Lard makes everything better.

No, no, no. We fucked up. It’s our fault we didn’t recognize Snyder’s artistic genius, and now he’ll have to shoulder the burden of our sins.

It’s ridiculous that he’s running around saying that there were shackles and they had to “make” them fight, when the entire run-up to BvS was Snyder carrying on about how anyone who doesn’t think this is the real Batman and Superman just don’t know comics as well as he.

“With Justice League, [Batman and Superman] have both been freed of the shackles of the responsibility to be in a place where they would fight each other,” the director explained. “That is liberating for us in making the movie because really now we have a single enemy with a single objective, and it’s really about

I was coming here to make that exact same point and now I can’t.

No kidding. That’s not an admission of a mistake, that’s straight up saying ‘people just didn’t get it.’ Good lord.

Yes, it’s such a shame fans were so silent about the problems with Man of Steel. If somebody had just said something, maybe the problems with Dawn of Justice could have been prevented.

Not to mention that “deconstruction” implies he understood the “construction” in the first place... but it’s OK, because Snyder sees himself as the second coming of Alan Moore.

> They know mistakes were made with Man of Steel. Lessons have been learned.

“A bad guy with flying monkeys,” deadpans Batman.

“People don’t want their heroes deconstructed”

They know mistakes were made with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Lessons have been learned

Independence Day vs Gundam? I’d watch that in a second. My 9 year old son would watch it every day. Repeatedly. It needs to happen. Toss in Jaegers and the Space Battleship Yamato and you have yourself a movie.

Teddy is one of the few presidents where you can just use real images: