Bruce F. Webster

Question: Is anyone here at all excited about this movie? It seems like a sequel that no one is asking for....

You don’t like Wal-Mart, so you think it’s ok to set one on fire? Wow.

The movie? You go away to the cornfield!

that idea just made those movies from terrible to fascinating.

Worst case scenario: This woman is a world-class story teller.

I like to think that all Liam Neeson movies are all the same person and that they are a documentaries of how he leads his life.

Did she use airplane bottles as hand knives?

Thats a movie waiting to happen.

Lets see - tit jokes, fart jokes, fat people falling down jokes, nut shot jokes, barf jokes, race jokes. Yeah, I think that about covers it.

I wonder if there’s a reason that they cut Leslie’s line from ‘Lady thing or a race thing...’ for the TV spot.

That would be so utterly bonkers that I can’t decide if it must happen, or must never be allowed to happen.

I don’t care what anyone says, Lucifer was the best damn(ed) new sitcom of last season. If they cut out the pesky and unnecessary cop stuff, it would be the new Seinfeld.

“Why are you all *so* sad?”

that would be spectacular


He’ll play Harvey Dent Frank Castle Adrian Chase, Star City’s District Attorney who wants to help Oliver clean up the streets in his new capacity as Mayor.

You remind me of the babe