Bruce F. Webster

Lex Luthor was elected president, so I don’t think much of it.

They really need to remember The Mathematical Law of Superhero Film Villains.

WTF did her plan look like?

The weird thing is, it’s going to be a romantic comedy.

She’s also impervious to objectification!

“Lynda Carter treated the role with the same respect and care that she would have if she was playing Lady Macbeth or Amelia Earhart"

I think someone wrote their fantasy Doom script, and then took out all the copyright parts.

Why would that be? Men fail, so do women, and her failure is just like those of any other CEOs. I do not see how gender is relevant in the discussion.

You could also look at it like “this person was brought in to fix an unfixable situation and would have probably failed regardless of race, sex, gender or sexual orientation”.

What’s the name of your company? Need to outbid Yahoo for it. Thanks.


And disrupt, never forget disrupt. Everyone is disrupting because they are disruptive.

All of these company names read like they were focus-grouped to hell, then the feedback was thrown out as the founders went back to the bag of Scrabble tiles.

Well, he’s not wrong.

“Nobody knows what to do with this finger you can pick up”

Apparently, everything BUT Transmetropolitan, Swamp Thing, Irredeemable, Ex Machina, Unknown Soldier (the African version), 100 Bullets, SNOW CRASH, can become a movie?

Not sure the “smoke screen” was intentional. More an act of an abused engine giving up the ghost...or its head gasket in this case I believe. The caltrops were a nice touch but thrown from the window at speed they were probably ineffective.

It’s real life Spy Hunter

Now playing

Great. Now that I know there’s a twist, I’m naturally going to spend the entire movie trying to guess what it is.