Bruce F. Webster

Not in the slightest, Bruce.

Dishonored was one of my favourite games of last generation. Fun mechanics, a story that while not amazing, was convincing and entertaining enough, unique setting and aesthetic, some of the most fun level design of the past 10 years.

Is it me, or did the woman in that gameplay trailer look suspiciously like Delilah Copperspoon?

That looks absolutely gorgeous.

I absolutely would kill to play a game with “The Lieutenant.”

It remains one of my favorite moments in my career-to-date. :)

That man was and I pray remains, a gift to this world. Play on Lieutenant, show those space-nazis what for.

Yeah, it was awesome and the presentation lended credibility. When he called the thing a lorrie (sp?) I spit my coffee out.

I cackled at my desk so hard listening to that video. And I'm with you! Grandfather fought in WW2, and several uncles and my father served, adding extra appreciation.

In a game where we were looking through a labyrinth for a silver magical sword we started to get chased by Werewolves. We were hurt and running out of ways to keep them away from us because their wounds would heal up because we didn’t have silver weapons against them. As we were running down a narrow hallway our

It’s not that a given arrow would suddenly set a shield on fire (it wouldn’t [heh]), but if you have a row of edge-to-edge wooden shields that suddenly have a few dozen or more fire arrows sticking out of it, there’s a good chance the troops will

Predicting astronomical events was considered of utmost importance by ancient cultures. All around the world many to most of the greatest human constructions included a sophisticated ability to predict equinoxes, solstices and other solar/lunar phenomena.

If we could only go back and show the ancient greeks a tamagotchi.

Cement is to concrete as flour is to cake. It holds everything together.

Actually it won’t. Look at the recent building collapse in Southern Asia where they filled the structure with trash. It stood for quite awhile with thorough voids. One or two dead bodies are safe depending on where they’re put. It’s my understanding it is preferred to place them in foundations.

Goddamn Nicolas Cage sealed this for me! That movie is hilariously awful.

Now playing

To quote a commonly used looney tunes cliche...

And because Chan’s dedication effectively finds Gizmodo home, I just know larger more nifty offbeats present quandaries. Resolutely, Sploid takes us very willingly. xerox your zeal!