Bruce F. Webster

He was named dropped in the Incredible Hulk in SHIELD's list of Banner's known associate's.

And the Knight is saying “Ni”.

“The sword on his back represents the doodles of every bored 12 year old in life science class who wants to draw a super sweet sword but knows nothing about medieval history, metallurgy, weaponsmithing, or good taste”

I FUCKING HOPE SO. I love that concept. It possesses both of my favourite project codenames: “Rods from God”, and “Project Thor”.

Each of the new Ghostbusters has received their own introductory video, meaning we’ve received a ton of new film footage, along with details about the characters and the plot.

I want to know how they managed to get Delancey Street (06:34) and Allen Street (08:18) completely empty of people and traffic. All I can think of is that they shot multiple stills, erased moving elements (people, cars), and then composited the actors over the result.

She aged better than Howard.

No no no, you misunderstood me. I want a baby dinosaur skeleton on my desk, not a replica. GOD!

I so badly want a baby dinosaur skeleton on my desk...

Ok I’m doing a cost benefit analysis. Would a real skeleton or a 3D printed model be better for prototyping for the world dominating cyborg t rex army? Err, asking for a friend.

You win the internet today.

I am a bit more interested in what’s in the background.....

A jellied fish. You know, lutefisk.

Fish equips Armor of Phylum Cnidaria. Gains +40 Defense

I would counter that death kind of was on the minds of most small kids when I was little. We just called it playing make believe. Cops and robbers, GI Joe, cowboys and indians; we’ve always been playing at killing, but in less realistically-depicted ways.

What is this strange item he holds in his hands?

"Hi Tom just wanted to you know that thanks to satellites, we are replacing you with cheaper workers in India. I know it sucks for you but we can employ three of them for what costs in your salary and benefits."