Bruce F. Webster

Some 25 years ago, when I was writing for Macworld, I had an interview during Macworld Expo with the Apple product manager for the newest version of the Mac operating system, System 7. After he finished giving me the dog-and-pony show about all the wonderful new features of System 7, he asked me what I thought. I told

Now playing

And good luck in your future travels. :-)

Or, if in the case of Ghostbusters (2016), it stands to lose the studio about $100M. Production ($144M) + P&A ($100M) = $244M. Worldwide gross ticket sales = $156M and likely to top out around $190M, if that (domestic will stop around $120M, and there’s no China distribution). Studio break-even, depending upon which

Let’s see: XCOM 2, plus some of my Steam summer sale purchases (Rise of the Tomb Raider, likely Doom, possibly Fallout 4).


A reminder that the stock market (and similar exchanges) operate on the “Greater Fool” principal, viz., “I’m buying this now in hopes that an even greater fool than I will pay even more for it later.”

From a member of the subsequent lynch mob:

I’m reminded of a conversation I had some years ago with a lawyer with whom I was working. He said that he had taken his young (~5 yr old) daughter to her friend’s birthday party. The theme of the party was based on the kids’ cartoon show Kim Possible, and he said the parents had a young woman, early 20s, there at the

Nothing, at least if I value my life and marriage. We’re in the process of moving to a new house, and the next four days are the Big Push to get everything done.

Hmm. What difficulty level are you playing at? Heaven knows I’m not the world’s best XCOM/XC2 player, but even so, I typically play at Commander (though not Ironman; yeah, I’m lazy and I even occasionally go back to a save, so sue me) and get through just fine (most of my missions end with Excellent and I regularly

I bought it as soon as ‘early access’ became available...and quickly became bored. And also irritated with the avian race advisor’s voice (which seems to be modeled heavily after Gilbert Gottfried playing a parrot). Haven’t picked it up since.

Would it be too undignified if, as a 63-year-old professional who has testified before Congress and given keynote talks at the World Bank and the NSA, I simply say, “Squeee!”?

A&W Root Beer is delicious, but it’s not something one pairs with a steaming hot pile of pancakes.

X-COM 2. Easily.

I’m on a self-imposed moratorium on buying new games until I get my next client check, so it’ll probably mostly be XCOM 2. I keep falling asleep playing Stellaris, so I may re-install Endless Space and see if it’s the game or just me. I’m also tempted to re-install Planetbase, since it seems to have been upgraded

I will buy this just because of that trailer.

That pretty much jibes with the vibes [heh] that I was getting from the trailers. However pretty the CGI may be (and I’m not adverse to CGI per se), there just didn’t seem to be much in the way of an actual story or interesting characters or, frankly, any original ideas.

X-COM 2 (always), Stellaris (still having trouble staying awake while playing it), probably some Dungeon of the Endless, Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri (which, sad to say, just isn’t as fun as it use to be). I’ve got several work projects out of the way, and the weather (rainy) is keeping me from cleaning out the garage,

Did my first playing with the DLC tonight for a few hours.