Eric Trump also tweeted a photo of his father from last nights rally.
Eric Trump also tweeted a photo of his father from last nights rally.
I’m pretty sure the people who died for our freedoms didn’t do it so that this country would become a place where you have to show dogmatic loyalty to symbols as if we lived in a dictatorship, saluting “Dear Leader” and bowing down lest we be marked a traitor. Let’s save that forced patriotic bullshit for North Korea.
When I stand for the anthem I start mentally checking off the various ballpark foods I want to eat that day.
No, Mustangs of the seas. He was leaving a boats and coffee meet.
Mad props.
Truly, Cruise Ships are the Assholes of the Sea.
I side with the biker. I see too many people texting while driving and it doesn’t seem that the police are doing much about it . I feel the the penalty should be on par with a DUI.
I thought they solved the problem of people watching Top Gear illegally by firing Clarkson and hiring Chris Evans.
I greatly appreciate your response, even though I’m certain that we probably disagree regarding our stances on overall unionization. I think that in general, you’ve hit the nail on the head. The Republican PR machine has churned out beautiful language regarding “right to work.” Exactly like you said, who could…
Glad to see you here Hamilton!
I don’t know what you’re talking about.
It would’ve been hilarious if they just changed the site to something like and moved right along as if nothing happened.
Obviously, Deadspin is about sports and the concourse is about bears
She did make a comment once saying that she was moving to deadspin and was not going to change anything about her writing
I don’t like change. I wish they’d just change it to and then keep everything as it was.
Fine by me. It seems silly to even “shut down” a blog. Just blog at another site?