
If youre one sucking on that teet, would you want to be the one to say he needs to seek professional help? Would you want to be the one to tell him that “Jesus is King” was just bad? Anything he wouldn’t like?

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that there are people this legitimately awesome in the world. Cheers to you, Mrs. Abrams, and all those like you.

I love that movie, but have not seen it in years, because it is just so brutal. Burstyn is just brilliant. The scene where she’s in the closet and you can only see her eyes is as scary as anything else on the list.

Saul my not agree with that assessment

How long before he starts selling merch or a martyrdom gofundme?

This is my feeling too.

This is my feeling too.

On a side note, that magazine cover is glorious. Font/colors/photo work so great together. </nerding out>

I can’t think of two better franchises to lead the charge here. One team in a new city, where everyone is going to want to be there this year, before they realize they are still the Raiders. One team that still holds a special place in the hearts of everyone in a state following Katrina, with horrible vaccination

I’ve been to Ghana, and it is a remarkable place. If you have the urge and opportunity, I recommend you go and see it for yourself.

past tense. I haven’t been there in 15+ years.

Gawd. Hooters always smelled of grease and loneliness. It’s the ultimate combination of mediocrity and misogyny.

“ why pump it full of something that we don’t really know what it is?” as he downs his 14th Bud Lite Clamato

Thank you, Biz, for all the pure joy you brought the world. You deserved to live to 157.

So glad I didn’t have to search too hard for a righteous Ben Shapiro take. Well done!

Still boycotting Jimmy John’s for the founder hunting exotic animals for sport.

Burton is a genuine treasure of a human being.

pluses: Tom Cruise gets killed alot. Emily Blunt looks incredibly badass. Did I mention Tom Cruise gets killed alot?
minuses: super weak and generic Hollywood love ending.

Is it too soon to set up my Tivo for her inevitable ass kicking of Rubio during the debates?

Jesus. Look at the size of that monstrosity.