That and Dark City.... People don't know what they've missed out on at the time.
That and Dark City.... People don't know what they've missed out on at the time.
ok Andrew
The Regal Beagle!
That was Will Smith’s biggest hit in years.
“Time & time again they show us that they only want to STEAL the culture, not allow you to ever be their equals”, he began his caption. “The Grammys have at the last minute decided to pull {Kanye West} from performing on the show as if we didn’t know it was coming.”
Why make a special rule to cover inconsiderate scumbags who refuse to go along with societal norms? 86ing the scumbags when they show who they are is much easier and doesn’t require posting an off-putting list of rules that will insult those who have learned how to live with others in a society.
Ellen Burstyn’s story in Requiem is definitely a horror story.
Five Twilight movies being made was one of the scariest things to actually happen.
There is no mandate. I doubt you’re in the NBA, but if choose to be a moron and refuse to get vaccinated, then you have chosen these restrictions. *shrug*
Ya know, I really want to believe that this was an accident. And maybe it was. But at a certain point you have to ask yourself, why is violence the only answer the guys have for anything? Resist arrest? TASER. Talk back? TASER. Breathe in your own car? TASER! I don't feel bad for anyone who's immediate response to a…
I have long struggled with the death penalty. Life in prison without the chance for parole should be enough in most cases, however in the case of Mr. Roof I feel that yeah he needs to go. He was invited and killed them. He reloaded while people lay dying. Did I mention he was fed after being captured? He has been…
normally not a death penalty advocate no matter how vile the crime, but if it’s gonna happen, good riddance to this piece of shit.
He says he’s sorry now, but as soon as he gets out you know he’ll be complaining how he was the victim in all this.
Wow, Mark Davis did something smart? Next, you’re going to tell me he switched barbers.
NFL fans are generally open minded and rational about things like this so I’m sure there will be no complaints from anybody.
A Ghanaian woman stopped me in the street the other day to ask me if I was from Ghana, because I looked like someone she knew. My aunt had people in Ghana ask her what tribe she was with when she visited, because they thought that she was a born and raised Ghanaian just from looking at her. We’re Jamaican.
“Hooters has good wings” is the “I read Playboy for the articles” of sad middle aged businessmen.