
They also were threatening the same thing when Arizona was contemplating a bill against brown people. It is good to see the NFL taking action, but it is sad that the prospect of losing the option to host a bowl is a bigger driving force than actually not being terrible.

Don’t worry, the day is still young, and word is its Adrian’s weekend to watch the kids.

“Show must go on” mentality. Jericho was trying to wrap it up quick to get Neville out of there.

I get the feeling this gif is going to come in handy a lot.

It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

Any time someone involved in payday loans gets arrested, it’s a positive. Fuck these places.

No surprise—there hasn’t been a Cup in Edmonton in 25 years.

“Bowie bemoaned the fact that when he performed the number himself he would encounter “kids that come up afterwards and say, ‘It’s cool you’re doing a Nirvana song.’ And I think, ‘Fuck you, you little tosser!’”[18]

Ladies and gentlemen, the current state of the American driver. I for one welcome our autonomous overlords.

“Shit, I got all that stuff and a dart board in my basement.”

Ariel: go around a track really fast while destroying your face filling your epiglottis with bees

I thought you’d go for the “I can see your socks” angle but you obviously nipped that in the bud.

I’m pretty sure that’s not street legal.

The Ariel Atom is, evidently, not the only see-through thing about this post.

I thought I was looking at my mother’s old douche-bag, but that’s in Ohio.

Billy Bob did what we all wanted to

This is truly hilarious.

Hah! I came here to post this.