
Yes plz! Love Karen Allen.

Wonder Girl—back just in time to help promote the movie?

I can’t wait to see this movie. She was always so fantastic, and no doubt still is. Now, we need another Karen Allen movie that isn’t Indiana Jones, just to round this all out.

Michael Jackson was a much bigger star than Whitney Houston. And he fell far harder. I made the original “overstatement’ comment, and I was referring to how the author wrote that few people would believe a novel based on a non-existent Whitney Houston. Can you seriously say with a straight face, that if she had never


They know. They fucking know. They just want to keep using her body type as the “gold star” because she’s not black. Because we can’t have a body type that is common in the black community be the standard. No way. But, take that body type gotten through surgical enhancements and put it on an ethnically ambiguous woman

Are there women out there who naturally have these body shapes? Yes, but they’re few and far between.

People don’t care that she has cellulite. People care because she keeps insisting her ass is real and IT’S NOT. That is why this photo is a ‘thing”. Her ass isn’t even close to being natural/real. It’s faker than a $3 bill and it’s extra insulting because her body “type” is heralded as something to aspire to. I need

I can’t believe people still think it’s real.

As someone who works in a basement with ‘light wells’

that is an improper ratio of frosting to cake

It’s like they know they will need a caregiver soon. 🤣 No thank you Grandpa.

Everyone knows she lies, even she knows she lies, but she still somehow manages to wriggle and doublespeak her way out of every trap that smart media folks try to set for her...

Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat charming when they interact with other human beings

I don’t feel like she actually gets away with anything. Like, she hasn’t played some brilliant trick and somehow slipped past the fact-checkers. She simply has no shame about lying. Same with Trump. They’ve just realized that the fact-checkers don’t matter, that there are no political consequences for blatant lying,

The “They are a nice person” thing needs to die a firey death. I am so sick of people who lie, cheat, steal, and try to undermine American democracy getting the “they are nice when you meet them” line (Sean Spicer and Jeff Sessions seem to get this a lot). Like, yea, most people attempt to be at least somewhat

This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.

Listen to a BBC reporter conduct an interview to see how it should be done.... they dont accept complete bullshit answers they way the American press does.

If Wills has learned anything from the last few months, it should be to Tweet a distraction. Just heard! Queen has wiretapped Corgis! This is terrible!

At least Karl pressed him for an actual answer instead of letting Spicy just yell and ramble instead. They’re learning to be combative, which is nice.