
There are still plenty of movies like that. Just watched “The Edge of Seventeen” with my wife. All the teen angst you could want.

There are tons of movies and TV shows the kids are identifying with. Plenty we don’t see because we’re tuned out as adults. Just the sheer amount of stuff produced for Youtube alone, for instance, that teens and others are tuned into that we have zero idea about.

Very, very true. I was really only speaking specifically to it being in VW corporate’s best interests to not have Nazi era Bugs floating around and getting headlines every few years when they change hands.

Lochte wishes he was as hot as Jonny Lee Miller. I’ve always thought Angelina Jolie was crazy for divorcing him.

This movie exists entirely to make those of us who saw the original in the theatres feel old.

Wait a fucking minute...That guy on “Elementary” is “Sickboy”??? (Jonny Lee Miller).

The dead baby in the first one still haunts me. Fuck that was traumatizing!

This happened to my aunt who just passed from her addiction. She had a bad hip replacement, so she would have a limited opiate prescription then when she would run out and couldn’t get a refill she would go to heroin. Then back and forth.

This is why it is so scary: because truly it can happen to anyone, and it does. I want to slap the people who talk about heroin addiction or pill addiction like it’s just bootstraps people need and how we should lock them up.

To bring this little piece of news even closer to home, how about we all share our sober birthday? I know there’s many of us here that are recovering addicts.

Almost like she’s a real person with flaws. I hate this knee jerk reaction to people who say things that are sometimes incongruous with whatever message they’re putting out there. No feminist, no activist, no no one is perfect and has fully realized, fault free vision and action.

I have said this before. Short of her stabbing a bunny in the face, I am never going to hate on Kaley Cuoco. She puts her money where her mouth is encouraging pet adoptions over purchasing. Goes to events, runs a charity, has a motley crew of rescues that live with her. This is year round not just once in a while.

I adore John Goodman.

I love you Dan Conner.

I post this link on just about every Kristen Stewart article, but here we go again:

I always liked K Stew and her converse sneakers.

Team K Stew 4 lyfe.

What would we do without those hot takes? Before this, I wasn’t sure how I felt about her, but this stranger’s opinion has set me straight. PHEW.

Oooooo, I will watch this. Sounds weird. From the little I’d heard about it before, I was like, “So... are there ghosts or not?!”