
Because I am so bad with names any time anyone brings up Brie Larson I always say, “Oh I love her. But poor Trudy though.” “What are you talking about?” “You know, Mad Men, she tries to be a good wife to Pete Campbell and—” “That’s Alison Brie.”

Irrational hatred of Seacrest justified.

“It is very sad for me that they didn’t like it and I’m finding that very difficult to accept.”

It’s easier to pull shit on a 15-year old than a 30-year old. They’ve less experience, maturity, and understanding of themselves and what they do or don’t want in relationships and sex.

I know you weren’t intending to be dismissive, but man is it frustrating to express these things to male partners or friends only to have them say you’re mistaken.

My wife’s Spidey -sense has always tingled about this guy being a creep. I said that it’s probably due to the preponderance of sleazy characters he plays.

The people who hid it don’t work there any more most likely so whoever dug it up doesn’t have much to lose if they weren’t involved in burying it.

Comparing Sam Smith to Luther Vandross is absolutely insane. Sam Smith isn’t even that good of a singer. I hate the fact that he’s what passes for R&B now. His maudlin, whiny tunes are strictly adult contemporary.

Sure, perhaps they should have known better. Perhaps it was naive for any of these women to go into Weinstein’s hotel room expecting to be treated professionally and respectfully there. But then what? Just give up, leave their careers, and go home? Part of the problem is what Weinstein did to those women in his hotel

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

Kushner has the look of someone who blankly stares at the wall whenever no one else is in the room.

I see where you are coming from. I really do.

Now playing

Meghan was on Nick News as a kids. I used to watch that whenever it was on.

Isn’t Jenny the one giggling in the background of Cap’s tweets about his sweet as hell doggums singing with his stuffed lion?

Literally was just saying to my GF last night that Chris Evans dating Jenny Slate made him the #1 Chris, above Hemsworth (#2, just fine, also Thor: Ragnarok was fantastic), EDIT Pine (#3, just... you know, totally a person who is there), and Pratt (#4, as while Andy is great, he’s not).

Great trailer, I’m hyped.

He’s been horrible forever, inpersonality and job performance. Yet NBC kept throwing money at him and pushed Curry out.

I wish all the idiots whining on Twitter were reading the stories. It seems clear that NBC has known Lauer was a skeezebag for years and was ignoring it. Now the tide has turned and it’s no longer good for their bottom line to keep him on so they’re dumping him. Be mad at NBC because they tacitly approved of this shit
