
I think you have that backwards. He is frequently disappointed in others when working together, and by working alone that is no longer an issue.

I instituted a new family tradition two years ago that, after 15 years of me cooking, we go to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. I am so thankful for that luxury and enjoy it immensely. But I do miss having the leftovers on Friday.

Somewhere that Jeff Bezos doesn’t control. Apparently ‘Bezos’ is another conspiracy theory-keyword now, along with ‘Clinton’, ‘Souros’, “Benghazi’, etc etc

Now playing

So your post inspired me to look up donkey videos on YouTube and I found one of donkeys cleverly helping each other. I want to go visit and pet some donkeys now.

Yes, I don’t think there’s any doubt that was Jenny Slate. Time for a couple name.

I think it can be. For Harvey Weinstein it’s an excuse. This wasn’t about sex for him, it was about power and humiliation.

It isn’t as awkward if you see the whole video and not just their hands. But Laura Dern blanked Reese on her way up to accept her Emmy and leaned down to kiss Nicole (was was sitting right in front of Reese), so maybe there is some bad blood amongst this girl gang.

According to the local news story posted above, she’s been arrested for assault before but was cleared of all charges. Daddy will be riding to the rescue again

If PBS cared about building the GBBO’s popularity in America, it would air the shows in order instead of airing episodes 2, 4, and 6, and then the finale. Then today they showed episode 5. WTF?

I remember being told when I was quite young to never touch a butterfly wing, because it would die. No worries on that score, I’m way too scared of them to get within touching distance.

This looks almost exactly like my wedding dress (except mine was ivory crepe and chiffon), which was from the 1930s.

Richard Linklater. He directed Keanu and Winona in Through A Scanner Darkly.

I loved Tamron and Al together.

That’s definitely what they’ll do, and I will definitely take pleasure in changing the channel the moment her face appears on MSNBC. Whatever show they give her won’t even last as long as Greta’s did.

Fuck all of those politicians listed above, but the people suffering from the effects of Harvey should be helped.

I always felt exactly the same way about him

I caught the last few minutes of this doc and they list the names of other artists the family collected and they were all men and I found that pretty depressing. Yes I love Warhol’s work too, and many of the other artists listed, but enough adulation of the same old same old male art stars.

Is that an unpopular opinion? I love it as much as the BBC version (which is a lot). Both versions are very well done in their own way. Matthew McFadyen is super hot in it. I also highly recommend him in Spooks/MI5.

I think he actually did that this past Easter, as in a few months ago.

Anna Faris is 41, so I don’t find this explanation plausible unless she wanted to adopt children. Why break up a marriage over having more children when your fertility is plummeting anyway? Doesn’t seem like a dealbreaker issue.