
I see what you did there, but not sure if intentional. It’s golden though.

I think Trump knows that his base doesn’t really want an end to the ACA so he’ll make a huge splash by vetoing the repeal. Trump has a golden opportunity here to stand up to Congress and he bladder take it.

tim kaine, al franken, murphy, bernie, bennet, elizabeth warren...

I love how the option is do nothing, or make Obama a dictator. How about the courts just demand another election be held since the last one was obviously compromised? Hell, Austria just did the same a few months ago with their presidential election.

OH GOD THIS IS HAPPENING -> Get a grip, you need to face reality -> WAIT, I’M NORMALIZING THIS -> Oh god this is really happening...

“ can’t support the troops and be for national health care; that’s illegal in this country.”

As a long time resident of the Chicago area (including living in two different Chicago neighborhoods for about 2 years each), I’m 0% shocked.

The CPD is the worst. There are a lot of cover ups. I’ve heard rumors they covered up the suicide of a cop over the summer because she shot herself with another cop’s gun.

Shit, they were doing that when I was a kid 40+ years ago. Always been a classic CPD tactic.

The report “shows examples of shooting at people who aren’t immediate threats and tasing people for not following verbal commands,” said Gupta.

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

Are you fucking joking?!?!?

Work with the government? Like to keep websites secure?

Except he’s got a login that appears to go directly into his webserver public on his site...which could then be used to attack other people. And this shit is 100% basic, the only reason not to do it is pure laziness, any idiot with a personal website builder could make a more secure website in 5 minutes.

Well, at least he’ll never have to reset it, because he’ll never forget.

I’m going to guess that Giuliani probably doesn’t even know how to use a computer.

Worst part... Rudy’s password is nineeleven.